Manage My Meridian Cloud Account

If you are assigned to the role of Tenant Administrator in Meridian Cloud, you can configure various features that apply to PowerWeb, Meridian Portal, Meridian Explorer, and Meridian Mobile. Changes that you save can take up to 15 minutes and might require you to log out or close your browser to take effect.

To manage your tenancy:

  1. On the Meridian Portal Landing page, at the bottom of the navigation bar, click the Account Settings icon A gear symbol..

    The Account Settings page appears.

  2. In the Account Settings menu, click the appropriate hyperlink to manage your settings.

    See the table below to learn more about each page and the configuration options it contains.

  3. Follow the appropriate procedures.

Account Settings


Sub‑Page / Sub‑Tab


Related Help Articles

User Management


On this page, you can manage the following related to user accounts:

  • basic user data

  • enable and disable users

  • authentication identities

  • account roles

  • group memberships

  • audit trails

  • areas of expertise

Manage User Accounts

Audit User Activity

Manage Security Roles

Security Roles And Privileges

View Security Privileges

User Management


A user group is a list of user names to make working in Meridian Cloud easier for organizations with many users. On this page, you can:

  • create, edit, and delete user groups

  • manage group properties

  • manage group memberships

Manage User Groups

User Management

Pending Invitations

New users are sent an invitation to join Meridian Cloud. On this page, you can:

  • view pending invitations

  • export pending invitations

  • cancel or resend pending invitations

Manage Member Invitations

Role Assignments


  • configure the groups that are allowed to access the Archive, Documentation, Projects, and Tags folders in PowerWeb

Configure Role-Based Security

Configure Global Role Assignments

Role Assignments


  • configure the groups that are allowed to access the Masters branch in PowerWeb and the Masters view in Explorer

Configure Role-Based Security

Configure Role Assignments For Master Documents

Role Assignments

Project Type

  • configure the groups that are allowed to access each project type

Configure Role-Based Security

Configure Role Assignments For Project Types

Project Types


A project type is a template that specifies the project properties and the document types that may be used in projects created of that type. On this page, you can:

  • create / delete project types

  • enable / disable project types

  • edit Project Type Name and Code

  • configure project types

  • import / export project types

Manage Project Types

Document Properties

Document Properties

A property is a document metadata field that is a member of a property set and that can appear on a property tab. On this page, you can:

  • create and remove custom properties

  • edit property labels

  • import / export properties

  • add, edit, and remove values in lookup fields

  • import / export lookup field values

  • revert lookup field values to defaults

  • configure the syntax of the revision number field

Manage Custom Properties

View And Edit Lookup Property Values

Export And Import Lookup Property Values

Standard Property Descriptions

Configure the Revision Number Syntax

Document Properties

Property Sets

A property is a document metadata field that is a member of a property set. Each property set appears as a separate heading on a property tab. On this page, you can:

  • add, edit, and delete property sets

  • change property set display order

  • change display order of properties in property sets

  • change property set labels

  • import / export property sets

Manage Property Sets

Document Properties

Document Number Syntax

In Portal, you have the option to assign each document a Document Number value that is configurable. If you use one or more document numbering standards that are based on document property values and sequential numbers, you can configure the Document Number property to automatically calculate and assign values and enforce the same standard. On this page, you can:

  • add and edit document number syntax definitions

Configure the Document Number Syntax

Document Types


A document type is a template that specifies the properties that may be used with documents created of that type. On this page, you can:

  • add, edit, and delete custom document types

  • set custom name for document types

  • specify properties for a document type

  • configure document types for project types

  • import / export document types

Manage Document Types



An expertise in Portal is a functional role that has the authority to review documents for compliance with specific technical requirements. On this page, you can:

  • add, edit, and delete areas of expertise

  • manage users assigned to an area of expertise

  • import / export expertise list

Manage Areas Of Expertise

Distribution Matrix


The rules in a distribution matrix are used to determine the users that will review documents of each combination of document type, discipline, and classification. On this page, you can:

  • add, edit, and delete rules in distribution matrix

  • import / export distribution matrix

Manage the Distribution Matrix

Template Management


Document templates are used to simplify the document creation process by pre-populating standard values. On this page, you can:

  • add, edit, and delete document templates

  • download previous templates

  • import / export document templates

Manage Document Templates

Issue Reasons


When users route a package of documents from a Project repository type project to other team members to work on, they must select a reason for doing so. On this page, you can:

  • edit issue reasons for a project type

  • import / export your issue reason settings

Manage Package Issue Reasons

Document Settings

Compliance Rules

When documents are submitted to a project by contractors or contributors, the documents must pass compliance checking before they can be routed for work. This compliance can consist of different types of checks.

On this page, you can configure whether an action is allowed, whether a warning is displayed, or whether the action will fail.

Configure Document Compliance Rules

Document Settings

Reference Rules

Reference rules allow you to configure whether Portal will allow documents to be submitted, accepted, sent, or released with missing references or referenced documents. These settings can be configured per document type, and are split between Contractor actions and Document Controller actions.

On this page, you can configure whether an action is allowed, whether a warning is displayed, or whether the action will fail.

Configure Reference Rules

Document Settings


  • configure email notifications to be sent automatically to affected Portal users when document revisions are released in the repository or when packages have been acknowledged by their recipients

Configure Notifications

Document Settings

Matching Criteria

  • configure how Portal matches incoming documents to existing repository documents when users upload new or revised files

Configure Document Matching

Document Settings


  • configure how the system processes uploaded files

Manage Upload Settings

Package Settings


Portal provides configurable package types for each transfer purpose: Transmittal, Return, Approval, Review, Information, and External. Some of the behaviors of each package type are configurable to meet your needs. On this page, you can:

  • configure package response times

  • configure automatic actions

  • configure custom reference fields

Configure Package Types

Review Response Codes


When users review documents as described in Respond About a Document, they are able to select from a list of available responses. On this page, you can customize the text that users see for each response.

Manage Review Responses



  • manage the authentication methods used when users sign in to Meridian Cloud


Configure a Third-Party Identity Provider

Configure Active Directory For Single Sign-On



  • view information about your Meridian Cloud subscription


CMMS Integration

Tenancy Settings

Your Meridian Cloud account can be connected to your Accruent computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) so that data that you manage in the CMMS will appear in your Meridian Cloud applications. On this page, you can:

  • configure your integration

  • reset the synchronization date

Configure CMMS Integration

CMMS Integration

Process Log

  • view the process log for your CMMS integration

Configure CMMS Integration

Column Views


  • configure the visibility and order of the properties that are shown in the Documents list in Portal and in many of the document views in Meridian Cloud

Configure View Columns

Email Settings


  • customize the logo used in email notifications originating from your Meridian Cloud account

Email Settings

Forge Configuration


  • enter your API Client ID and API Key used for viewing documents in AutoDesk Forge

Configure Autodesk Forge Viewing


Pen Settings

  • add, delete, and download pen settings files

Manage Pen Settings Files



  • add, delete, and download font files

Manage Font Files

Rendering > Watermarks


  • configure a watermark which contains the user's e-signature, an approval reason, and system information

Configure Signature Watermarks

Rendering > Watermarks

In-Progress Overlay

  • configure a watermark which contains the workflow status of the document

In-Progress Overlay

Rendering > Watermarks

Prior Revision Overlay

  • configure a watermark which alerts the reader that the document is not the latest released revision

Configure Prior Revision Overlay

Rendering > Watermarks

Identification Overlay

  • configure a watermark which helps identify the source document of the rendition

Configure Identification Overlay

Rendering > Watermarks

Print Stamp

  • configure a watermark which appears in the margin of the document when the document is printed

Configure Print Stamp

Rendering > Watermarks


  • configure which watermark types are enabled for each document type

Configure Watermark Types

Rendering > Watermarks

Approval and Review Reasons

When users review and approve documents, they can be prompted to select a reason for their choice. On this page, you can:

  • add, edit, and delete approval or review reasons

  • edit the disclaimer message which appears when the user selects a reason

Manage Approval and Review Reasons

Test Reports


Our Automated Test Reports allow you to ensure that your configured use cases are supported by the system. On this page, you can download these reports.

Download Test Reports

Meridian Power Settings


  • view, download, and upload Meridian Cloud settings

Meridian Power Settings

Edit PowerWeb Navigation View Settings

Edit Explorer Navigation View Settings

Edit File Extension Mappings

Meridian Power Settings


  • view standard settings

Meridian Power Settings

FTP Access


  • add and delete whitelisted IP addresses

FTP connectivity is secured to only those IP addresses from where you plan to connect. You can whitelist IP addresses for FTP access. After a tenancy upgrade, your FTP whitelist settings are reapplied.