Manage the Distribution Matrix
This feature is available in Meridian Portal only.
One of the ways that Meridian Portal helps you to specify the roles of project members is with a distribution matrix. The distribution matrix is a set of rules that specify the expertises that will review each combination of document type, discipline, and classification. Each project type can have a different set of rules.
Expertises are defined for the entire Meridian Portal account as described in Manage Areas Of Expertise. The project members are assigned to expertises for each project as described in Manage Project Membership. After you create the expertises and rules that are appropriate for your organization, Meridian Portal can automatically set the optional, required, and lead reviewers that are appropriate for each document as described in Send Packages.
A distribution matrix rule is applied when one or more (in increasing priority) of the Document Type, Discipline, and Classification properties of a document match the values specified in the rule. For example, a rule that matches three of the properties will be applied instead of a rule that only matches two of the properties.
To perform the tasks described on this page, you must be assigned to the Tenant Administrator role.
To navigate to the Distribution Matrix page:
On the Meridian Portal Landing page, at the bottom of the navigation bar, click the Account Settings icon
The Account Settings page appears.
In the Account Settings menu, click Distribution Matrix.
The Distribution Matrix page appears and lists the existing rules.
Follow the appropriate procedures below.
Here is an example that demonstrates how a distribution matrix works. It assumes the Meridian Portal account is configured as follows:
Distribution matrix rule
Project Type |
Standard Project
Document Type |
Facility Type |
Discipline |
Classification |
Structure Drawing |
Engineering |
Lead Reviewer |
Required Reviewer
Legal |
Optional Reviewer |
Expertise definitions
Engineering |
Safety |
Legal |
This example also assumes the Meridian Portal project expertises are defined as follows:
Project expertises
Engineering |
Len Reeve |
Serena DeCosta
Legal |
Renton Vincent |
In this configuration, a package with documents that have property values that match the distribution matrix rule above and sent via the distribution matrix will automatically be assigned to these recipients due to their memberships in the expertises and the roles that are specified in the rule:
Len Reeve (Lead Reviewer)
Serena DeCosta (Required Reviewer)
Renton Vincent (Optional Reviewer)
To view the distribution matrix:
From the list in the header toolbar, select the project type for which you want to view its rules.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that are have been defined for that project type.
To create a separate set of distribution rules for a project type:
From the list in the header toolbar, select a specific project type.
The distribution rules list updates to show the distribution rules that are available for your selection.
The default expertise set appears with the Link icon
In the toolbar, click Copy
The Copy default distribution rules dialog box appears.
Click Copy.
The default set of distribution rules is added to the project type.
You can now add, edit, or delete distribution rules for the project type.
To add a rule:
From the list in the header toolbar, select the project type for which you want to add a rule.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined for that project type.
Choose between two options:
If you want the rule to be applicable to all project types, select Any from the list in the header toolbar.
If you want the rule to be applicable to a specific project type, select the project type from the list in the header toolbar.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined.
In the toolbar, click Add
The Add New Distribution Rule dialog box appears.
Select values for Document Type, Discipline, and Classification.
You can also choose Any if you want the rule to be applicable to all document types, all disciplines, or all classifications.
A list of the areas of expertise that have been defined for the project type appears.
Select one expertise as the lead reviewer (LR).
You may also select one or more areas of expertise as required reviewers (RR) or optional reviewers (OR). Each area of expertise may only be assigned one review type.
Click Save.
The new rule is added to the distribution matrix.
To edit a rule:
From the list in the header toolbar, select the project type for which you want to edit a rule.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined for that project type.
Choose between two options:
If you want to edit a rule that is applicable to all project types, select Any from the list in the header toolbar.
If you want to edit a rule that is applicable to a specific project type, select the project type from the list in the header toolbar.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined.
In the row of the rule that you want to change, click the actions icon
and then click Edit from the menu.
The Edit Distribution Rule dialog box appears.
Select one expertise as the lead reviewer (LR).
You may also select one or more areas of expertise as required reviewers (RR) or optional reviewers (OR).
Click Save.
The distribution matrix updates to show your change.
To delete rules:
From the list in the header toolbar, select the project type for which you want to delete a rule.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined for that project type.
Choose between two options:
If you want to delete a rule that is applicable to all project types, select Any from the list in the header toolbar.
If you want to delete a rule that is applicable to a specific project type, select the project type from the list in the header toolbar.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined.
Select the check boxes of the rules that you want to delete and then in the toolbar click Delete
The distribution matrix updates to show your changes.
To export a distribution matrix:
From the list in the header toolbar, select the project type for which you want to export a distribution list.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined for that project type.
Choose between two options:
If you want to export rules which are applicable to all project types, select Any from the list in the header toolbar.
If you want to export rules which are applicable to a specific project type, select the project type from the list in the header toolbar.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined.
In the header toolbar, click the Actions icon
and then click Export CSV or Export XLSX.
The distribution matrix data for the selected project type downloads to your PC where you can work with it.
To import a distribution matrix:
From the list in the header toolbar, select the project type for which you want to import a distribution list.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined for that project type.
Choose between two options:
If you want to import rules which are applicable to all project types, select Any from the list in the header toolbar.
If you want to import rules which are applicable to a specific project type, select the project type from the list in the header toolbar.
The distribution matrix updates to show the rules that have been defined.
In the header toolbar, click the Actions icon
and then click Import.
The Import Distribution Matrix dialog box appears.
Click Import.
The Open dialog box appears.
Select the CSV or XLSX file that you want to import and then click Open.
The file is imported and the results are shown in the Import Distribution Matrix dialog box.
Click Close.