Configure CMMS Integration
Your Meridian Cloud account can be connected to your Accruent computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) so that data that you manage in the CMMS will appear in your Meridian Cloud applications. The integration will import new assets, locations and asset relationships and update the existing data. This synchronization occurs every 5 minutes. You can then link the items to documents and vice versa so that you can see what changes in one system might affect the other system and take the appropriate action.
To perform the tasks described on this page, you must be assigned to the Tenant Administrator role.
To configure CMMS integration:
On the Meridian Portal Landing page, at the bottom of the navigation bar, click the Account Settings icon
The Account Settings page appears.
In the menu, click CMMS Integration.
The CMMS Integration page appears.
If it is not visible already, click the Tenancy Settings tab.
The current configuration settings appear.
Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Integration options
Enabled CMMS Integration |
Click the icon to enable data synchronization or disable synchronization .
CMMS Tenancy Name |
Type the name (50 characters max.) of your Accruent Fabric account, for example, globalunited. This name is provided to you when you subscribe to Accruent Fabric.
CMMS Environment |
Type the name of the CMMS environment for which you want to enable synchronization, for example, dev, qa, uat, or prod.
The last time that asset data was imported from your CMMS is shown in Last Synchronization Date. Only asset data that is created or changed after this time will be imported by the next synchronization. If instead you want to perform a full import for some reason (import failure, for example), you can clear the current date.
To reset the synchronization date:
Click Reset.
A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.
Click Reset.
The date is cleared and will be set again when the next synchronization occurs.
When a synchronization occurs, all data changes are logged for reference.
To view the synchronization log: