Send Documents For Review

Revised documents can be reviewed in Meridian Portal by one or more project members.

ClosedReviewer Workflow

The reviewers use the workflow shown in the following picture.

Reviewers can participate in one of these roles:

  • Lead reviewer — collates the annotations made by other reviewers as described in Finalize a Review. They can then close the review as described in Complete a Review.


    A Lead reviewer can click the Finalize button without receiving responses from the Required reviewers. Portal will warn the user that the Required reviewers have not submitted a response. The Lead reviewer must confirm their choice before they can complete the review.

  • Required reviewers — must respond to the review before it can be finalized, unless the Lead reviewer chooses to finalize without the response

  • Optional reviewers — may respond to the review but are not required

A Document Controller routes the documents in a package to the reviewers.

Reviewers can:

Members can review the package in parallel without fear of overwriting each others' comments. Meridian Portal stores each reviewer's response separately but also combines them so that everyone's comments are visible to the entire review team.

When the package is completed by the lead reviewer, it is sent back to the Document Controller where it can be routed for approval to release as described in Send Documents For Approval.

ClosedSend for Review

To send documents for review:

  • Select For Review from the Issue Reason list when you send the documents as described in Send Packages.