View Document Comments

Meridian Portal compiles the comments from all reviewers about a document on a single page so that you can easily see them.

To view the review comments of a document:

  1. Open the package that contains the document that you want to view as described in View Packages.

  2. In the document list, click the Document Number of the document for which you want to view its comments.

    The <Document Number> detail page slides into view from the right side of the page.

    You may close the detail page or leave it open and navigate to other documents in the same package by clicking them in the Documents to Review list or by clicking the navigation arrows A blue left arrow.A blue right arrow. in the detail page header.

The areas of the Document Details page are:

  • Reviewers — lists the names of the project members that have been assigned to review the document and their roles in the review. The current state of each member's review is indicated by a colored bar in the left column. Hover the mouse pointer over the bar to see the name of the state.

  • Files — lists the files attached to the document that are available for review and comment

  • Properties — shows the current properties of the document

  • Comments or Collated Comments — shows a hierarchical view of all the comments that have been made (Comments) or all of the comments that were approved by the lead reviewer (Collated Comments) about the document. An icon next to each reviewer's name corresponds to the annotations tool in the Meridian Portal viewer that they used to make the comment.