Add Document Comments

As you review the documents in a package, you may want to add comments for others to see. Meridian Portal keeps all of the comments by all reviewers together in one place so that they can be seen by the whole project team. This is regardless of when (first, last, or simultaneously, for example) or how the comments were added (online or in downloaded files).

Meridian Portal keeps two sets of comments, the set of comments made by all reviewers and the set of comments approved by the lead reviewer of the package. This is so that all comments are tracked regardless of which comments are in the final package.

To add document comments online (rendition only):

  1. Open the package that contains the document that you want to view as described in View Packages.

  2. In the document list, click the Document Number of the document for which you want to view its comments.

    The Document Details page appears.

    The Comments list shows a hierarchical view of all the comments that have been made about the document. An icon next to each reviewer's name corresponds to the annotations tool in the Meridian Portal viewer that they used to make the comment. The comments are visible in the Meridian Portal viewer.

  3. In the Files list, click the name of the file to which you want to add comments.

    The file opens in the Meridian Portal viewer.

  4. Add and save your comments as described in Annotate a Document.