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Respond About a Document

If you are the lead reviewer, your response represents the consensus of the other reviewers or the action to take by the Meridian Enterprise users when you return the package to the vault from which it came. We recommend that you respond after you have finalized the document as described in Finalize a Review.

To respond about a document:

  1. Open the Document Details page of the document for which you want to respond as described in View Document Comments.

  2. In the toolbar, click Set Response.

    The Set user response dialog appears.

  3. Select the response that best represents the results of the review.

    If you are registering the response on behalf of another user or on a different date, set correct values in Reviewed By and Reviewed On.

  4. Click OK.

    The review status updates in the Reviewers list.

    Your response will be visible in Meridian Enterprise in the Approval status property on the Details page of the document. You can view the response code for a document in Portal by viewing the document details of a document in the package.