Import Documents From a Database

This article discusses how to use the Database Import Wizard to import documents and their metadata into Meridian Enterprise.

ClosedNotes about Performance

  • The time that it takes to import documents is affected by many factors. For the best performance, we recommend that the source database and document files reside on the Meridian server. After the import is complete and has been accepted, the source data can be deleted. To estimate the time required, perform a test import with a subset of the data and extrapolate the results.

  • Perform large imports after business hours so that server performance is maintained for production work. Importing thousands of documents with the Database Import Wizard can cause delays that are unacceptable to system users.

  • To improve the performance of the server during large imports, temporarily configure the following settings. Remember to restore the settings when the import is complete.

ClosedImportant! Before You Get Started

  • Before attempting a large import, back up the vault first. That way, if the import does not go as planned, you can reverse the import easily by restoring the backup. Deleting incorrectly imported documents does not reclaim vault database storage space.

  • After files have been imported to a vault, document properties that were not explicitly set during the import (from title blocks, default property assignments, and so on) contain no values. Those properties will not be synchronized to the imported content files by the Meridian application links. This is by design to prevent overwriting existing values.

    The properties can be synchronized from the imported content files. Such properties must be set in the vault to an explicit value at least once before the properties will be synchronized to the content files.

  • Before importing files with external references, such AutoCAD drawings and Autodesk Inventor assemblies, all external reference files must be fully resolved or they must be located in the same folder as the main file. Unresolved external references files will prevent the creation of the required Meridian references.

  • Before you import many documents into a vault, we recommend that you finish all vault configuration. Some configuration changes can be very time-consuming when the vault is populated by a large number of documents. This is especially true for the Field-Path definition. We recommend that you import documents into folders that were created using the Field-Path definition that you have configured.

ClosedDatabase Import Wizard

To import documents and their metadata with the Database Import Wizard:

  1. Create a source database that contains metadata about the documents that you want to import, as described in Create an Import Source Database.

  2. In Configurator, on the Vault menu, select Import from a Database.

    The Database Import Wizard appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The Configuration File page appears.

  4. To use an existing Database Import Wizard configuration file:

    • Select it from the list, OR

    • Click Browse, select the file, and click Open.

  5. Choose one of the following options:

    • If the configuration file is complete and correct, click Start Import to begin the import immediately.

    • Click Resume to continue a previous import.

    • To configure a new import, click Next.

      The Database page appears.

  6. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

    Database options
    Option Description

    Select the database to import from

    Click Browse, select a database file type from the list, select the database that contains the document metadata that you want to import, and click Open.


    If the source database is a Microsoft Excel worksheet, you must specify the cells that contain the data to import as a named range in the worksheet. You will select this range in the Select Table dialog in the next step. If you don't create a range, the Database Import Wizard cannot determine the data to import.

    For more information on naming a range in Excel, refer to the Excel documentation.

    For information about importing other types of tables from Excel, see the description of the ShowAllTablesImportDB registry value.

    Show ODBC driver setup dialog

    Allows you to configure an ODBC connection to the database, if one is not available already.

    Depending on the data source you selected, the Select Table dialog might appear.

  7. If so, select the table (or Excel range) that contains the data that you want to import and click OK.

    The File Path Field page appears.

  8. Select a field in the source database from Path field that contains the path to the files that you want to import.

  9. Click Next.

    The Document types page appears.

  10. Assign document types, as described in Assign Document Types To Imported Files and click Next.

    The External References page appears.

  11. If you want the Database Import Wizard to attempt to resolve external references after the import has completed, select Resolve external references.

    Resolving references creates a Meridian reference between the documents.

  12. Click Next.

    The Initialize Properties page appears.


    If CAD external references will be resolved during import, the native application may need to be installed on the computer where the Database Import Wizard is run. This is true for all CAD applications except AutoCAD.

  13. Select options to initialize properties as described in Initialize Document Properties and click Next.

    The Title Block Fields page appears.

  14. Select Import title block data if the information in CAD drawing title blocks is more complete or accurate than the data in the source database.

    The title block data will overwrite data imported from the source database. The document types assigned to documents with title blocks must be configured to exchange title block data, as described in Configure Standard Title Block Synchronization.

  15. Click Next.

    The Rendition file path field page appears.

  16. Select Add the rendition file to the document if the source database contains a field that contains the paths to separate rendition files that you want to import to the vault.

  17. Select that field from the list.

    The rendition files will be imported to the vault and associated with the documents that are created.

  18. Click Next.

    The Exclusions page appears.

  19. Select options to exclude certain documents from being imported, as described in Exclude Documents From Import and click Next.

    The Revisions page appears.

  20. Select options to import document revisions, as described in Import Revisions and click Next.

    The Tree Structure dialog box appears.

  21. Select an option to specify whether or not the drive letter of the path of the source documents should be used to create the top-level folder of the documents' paths in the vault, and click Next.

    The Final Settings page appears.

  22. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

    Document import options
    Option Description

    Create a log file during import

    Creates a log file in the location specified in Log file name. Type a fully qualified file name of your choice. We recommend that you save the file in the vault folder. The log file will contain the information about the success or failure of the import of every document in the source database.

    You can use this log file to identify and troubleshoot documents that did not import correctly. The file is also useful as a record of the origin of documents in the vault for auditing purposes. 

    Add timestamp to the log records

    Appends the time (accurate to 3-digit milliseconds) to the date of every record.

    Save import configuration file as

    Saves the Database Import Wizard options you have selected for this import. Type a fully qualified file name of your choice. We recommend that you save the file in the vault's Backup folder so that it can be backed up. This file can be loaded in step 4 to repeat or resume a previous import.

    Use a saved configuration file as a template for similar imports. After loading the file in step 4, you can modify previously selected options as necessary and save the results as a different configuration file.

    Unattended operation

    Imports documents without stopping for import errors. This option is useful if you want to import many files and will not monitor the import to respond to import errors. Any errors that are encountered will be noted in the log file specified above.

  23. Click Next.

    The final page appears.

  24. Click Finish.

    The import begins and a progress dialog box appears showing statistics, as described in Monitor the Import Progress.

    If you need to cancel the import for any reason, it can be completed later by loading the same configuration file in step 4 and resuming the import in step 5.

  25. When the import is finished, use a Meridian client application to verify the results by checking the following for a representative sample of documents in the vault:

    • Name and location (Field-Path definition) in the vault

    • Document content is present and viewable

    • Correct property values, especially for the properties described in Create an Import Source Database.

    • Document revisions

    • Hybrid documents

    • Meridian references were created during the import for external references, if applicable

  26. If you chose to create a log file in step 22, review the log file for errors.