Configure the MaximumLogSize Setting
Meridian maintains a transaction log file for each vault database (HyperCache only) that contains all changes made to the vault since the log was last committed to the database and a snapshot was created. When the size of the log reaches the value of MaximumLogSize (in MB) and the amount of time specified by the MinimumSnapshotInterval setting has elapsed, the log is committed to the database and a new snapshot is created. The MaximumLogSize setting can be used to limit the size of the log file so that the data is committed to the database after predictable amounts of work have been performed in the vault without adversely affecting performance.
This setting works together with the MinimumSnapshotInterval (in minutes) setting. For example, if MaximumLogSize is set to 8 (default) and MinimumSnapshotInterval is set to 240 (default), when the log file reaches 8 MB no snapshot will be created unless 240 minutes (4 hours) has elapsed since the last snapshot. Likewise, if 240 minutes (4 hours) has elapsed since the last snapshot, a new snapshot will not be created until the log file size is at least 8 MB. We recommend that you use the default settings under most circumstances. The MaximumCacheSize and RelativeCacheSize settings are more effective for optimizing performance.
Whenever a Prepare for Backup operation occurs, the log is committed to the database and a new snapshot is created.