Exclude Documents From Import

The source database that you import might contain data about documents that you do not want to import. The options on the Exclusions page allow you to specify that data.

To exclude documents from import:

  • On the Exclusions page of the Database Import Wizard, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

Import exclusion options
Option Description

Do not import documents that are frozen

This option is only enabled when importing an AM-WorkFlow environment. Documents that are frozen will not be imported.

Do not import documents that are not frozen

This option is only enabled when importing an AM-WorkFlow environment. Documents that are not frozen will not be imported.

Do not import documents that are archived

This option is only enabled when importing an AM-WorkFlow environment. Documents that are archived will not be imported.

Do not import documents that have no file attached

If a file specified in the field selected for the Path field option cannot be found, the document metadata will not be imported.

Do not import documents that are locked

This option is only enabled when importing an AM-WorkFlow environment. Documents that are locked are not imported.

Do not import documents for which this field is False

Select this option and select a Boolean field from the list to specify documents that will not be imported.

Do not import documents for which this expression is False

Select this option and type a VBScript expression to specify documents that will not be imported. Type a VBScript expression or click the Meridian Enterprise Script Editor button A small gray button that has a pen and paper on it. to build a VBScript expression.  For information on using VBScript for configuration expressions including their limitations, see Configuration Expressions.