Send Packages

Sending a package transfers ownership of the contents of the package to the recipient (unless they are sent for information purposes only) so that they can respond to the documents. The package must contain at least one document.

Project Owners or Document Controllers can send packages for information. Contractors submit documents to Project Owners or Document Controllers.

You may not send read-only packages to Meridian Enterprise. They are for reference only.

ClosedNotes about System Behavior

Depending on your organization's reference rules, there are three possible outcomes when sending packages:

  • The package is sent regardless of whether the referenced document is also included.

  • If a referenced document is not included, you will be asked to confirm whether you want to send the package. You can then choose to send the package without including the referenced documents, or to cancel so that you can include the referenced documents.

  • If a referenced document is not included, you will not be allowed to send the package until you include the referenced document. All referenced documents should be included in the same upload to the Portal for XRef scanning.

This functionality is configurable by the Tenant Administrator.

After you send a package:

  • It cannot be changed in Meridian Portal.

  • It cannot be sent again.

  • It can be retracted as described in Retract Packages.

  • An email notification with a link to the package is sent to the recipient or users with the Document Controller role.

  • An entry is added to the audit history of each document as well as to the audit log of the repository.

  • The package can be tracked on the Packages page dashboard.

ClosedSend a Package

To send a package:

  1. Add the documents to the clipboard that you want to send as described in Add Documents To the Clipboard.

  2. View the clipboard as described in View the Clipboard.

  3. In the toolbar, click A blue right arrow. Send.

    The Send Package dialog box appears. If Send is disabled, it could be due to the assignment, workflow, or compliance status of some of the documents.

  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

    Required options are indicated by an asterisk (*) next to the option name.

  5. Click Send.

    A new package is created and sent.

  6. To send the same documents with different options, repeat this task.

Send package options
Option Description
Issue reason

Select a reason from the list for why you are sending this package:

  • For Approval — of revised content by a project member with the Document Controller or Project Owner role

  • For Information — to a project member with the Contractor role. Available for documents in the Released, For Routing, For Revision, In Review, and For Approval workflow states. The status of sent documents will be For Information when viewed by the recipient. The status will remain unchanged for the sender.

  • For Review — of document content by project members with the Document Controller, Reviewer or Lead Reviewer role

  • For Revision — of document content by a project member with the Contractor or Contributor role

  • To Meridian — send a package of documents to Meridian Power, which can be returned to Meridian Portal, depending upon your workflow. The documents are locked while they are under revision in Meridian Power. You must be a Document Controller or Project Owner to use this issue reason. To Meridian was introduced for transmittal packages that need to go to Meridian Power for further internal processing.

    As of the 2022.1 release, if a document is created in Portal and is sent to PowerWeb, the document number and revision number generated in Portal will also be used in PowerWeb. The Document Range for these documents will be set to Automatic.

  • For Handover — and return to Meridian Power, from which the documents were originally sent to Portal. For Handover The import package that is created and sent to Meridian Power by this action must be approved as described in Approve an import package and its import started as described in Import an import package. is the issue reason when the document has been reviewed, approved and released in Portal, and is handed over to Meridian Power.

For a diagram of the available workflows, see Workflow Actions.

Issue reasons may be available to be configured by an Account Administrator as described in Manage Package Issue Reasons.


Select a project member or group from the list. If you select a group, all members of that group will receive a notification, have access to the documents, and any member can respond to the package. If the name of a person to whom you want to send the package to is not on the list, invite them to join the project as described in Manage Project Membership.

This option is not available if Issue reason is set to For Review.

If Issue reason is set to For Handover, the recipient is set to Meridian and cannot be changed.

Due date

This is the date by which you want to receive the package recipient's response. The default date is set according to the project type and the package type settings.

Click the field to show a calendar from which you can select a different date. You cannot choose a prior date. If you select a different date, a warning icon A triangular yellow caution sign. will appear next to the field.

To revert the date to the default date, click Reset due date in the tooltip.

Custom field

If your Tenant Administrator has configured a custom reference field to appear for the package type, enter the appropriate value in the field. This field is typically used to track internal transmittal numbers you use with contractors.

If you have questions about what value you should enter in this field, contact your Tenant Administrator.

Package description

Type a description of the package or instructions for the recipient.

Review team

Select Distribution Matrix if distribution rules for the type of documents being sent have been configured as described in Manage the Distribution Matrix.

Select Custom if no rules have been configured or you want to specify an ad hoc review team.

This option is only available if Issue reason is set to For Review.

Modify review team

If Review team is set to Distribution Matrix, the package will be sent to the recipients that are specified in the rules described in Manage the Distribution Matrix.

If Review team is set to Custom:

  1. Click A blue circle with a white plus sign in its center. Add to select reviewers to add to the review team.

  2. Select a role for each member from the Review Role list.

  3. Designate one member as the lead reviewer by selected the radio button in the Lead column for that member.

This option is only available if Issue reason is set to For Review.