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View and Edit Vault Properties

After you create a vault, you can later view and edit the options that you set during creation as well as others. You might want to do this to:

  • Optimize its performance

  • Reconfigure its database file locations

  • Configure it for offline mode use

  • Change history retention

  • Adjust client options

To view or edit a vault's properties:

  1. In the Meridian Enterprise Administrator, click EDM Server in the left pane.

    The active vaults are listed in the right pane.

  2. Select the vault in the right pane for which you want to view or edit its properties.

  3. On the Action menu, select Properties.

    The vault's Properties dialog box appears. Many of the options that are accessible from this dialog are the options that were set when the vault was created.

  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

    Vault configuration options
    Option Description


    Internal name of the vault. Read-only.

    Display name

    Name of the vault as seen by users. Read-only. For information on renaming a vault, see Rename a Vault.


    Name of the database engine for the current vault. Read-only.

    SQL Server

    Name of the instance of SQL Server where this vault's database is hosted. Available only if the vault was created with the SQL Server engine. If the instance is hosted on the same computer as the Meridian application server, this option is blank. Read-only.


    SQL Server account name used to connect to the vault database on the server specified in SQL Server. Available only if the vault was created with the SQL Server engine. For information about setting this option and its password, see Configure the SQL Server Account Used By Meridian.

    Database path

    Path of vault database files. Read-only. For information about moving a vault, see Move a Vault.

    Index path

    Path where the index files created by the database engine are stored. Available only if the vault was created with the SQL Server engine. For guidelines on estimating the space required and location options, see Document Storage Space Requirements.

    Log path

    Path where the transaction log files created by the database engine are stored. Available only if the vault was created with the SQL Server engine. For guidelines on estimating the space required and location options, see Document Storage Space Requirements.

    Content path

    Path of vault content files. Read-only. For information about moving a vault, see Move a Vault.

    Backup path

    Path where the backup files created by the SQL Server and Oracle database engines are stored. For guidelines on estimating the space required and location options, see Document Storage Space Requirements.

    Maintain history

    Retains all revisions of documents. Otherwise, only the latest revision will reside in the vault. This option uses more disk space. To remove unused revisions, they can be archived as described in Archive Documents or removed as described in Remove Vault History.

    Hide documents from users with insufficient privileges

    Controls the visibility of documents depending on the user's security privileges. Enabling this option will have a negative effect on server performance when displaying folder contents, evaluating security, and searches.


    The user may still see the presence of the vault and open it but they will not be able to see any documents. To hide the vault completely from vault selection dialog boxes, enable the Hide vaults to which a user has no access option of the EDM Server and do not grant the user the List Content privilege for the root folder of the vault. This is supported for environments with one EDM Server and one web server. Multiple EDM Servers in the same environment will produce unexpected results and this option should not be used in that case.

    Force clients to access documents from Local Workspace

    Controls the use of Local Workspace. For more information, see Local Workspace.

  5. Click the Advanced button to view or edit the vault's performance options as described in Optimize Vault Performance.

  6. Click the Status button to view the current status of the prerequisites for working with the vault in Offline mode.

  7. Click the Content Indexing tab to view or edit the vault's content indexing options as described in Content Indexing.

  8. Click the Advanced Features tab to view or edit the vault's additional options described in the following table.

  9. Click OK.

Extensibility options
Option Description

Audit table connection string

Connection to an external database where vault audit trail data is stored by the Meridian FDA Module. Type a valid connection string to an existing OLE DB database or click the hyperlink and build one with the Data Link Properties dialog that appears. For information about creating a connection string, see Data Connections, Data Sources, and Connection Strings (SSRS) on Microsoft TechNet.

Enabling this option requires a Meridian FDA Module server license. For more information about this setting, see Configure the Audit Log Connection.

To use Meridian Enterprise Server for the audit trail, type the server name, IP port number, domain name, and account name using the following syntax. By default, the account that is used for the connection is specified during installation as described in Install the Server Components. To use a different account, specify it with <DomainName>\<AccountName> as shown.


This should be the same address as specified for the Address option described in Configure the Connection To Meridian Enterprise Server.

Notifications table connection string

Connection to an existing external database where document subscription data is stored. Type a valid connection string to an existing OLE DB database or click the hyperlink and build one with the Data Link Properties dialog that appears. For information about creating this database, see Create a Subscriptions Database. For information about creating a connection string, see Data Connections, Data Sources, and Connection Strings (SSRS) on Microsoft TechNet. For information about configuring notification definitions to use this database, see Configure Event Notifications.


This table is not used to store notification message information, only subscription data. The design assumption is that most customers will use both notifications and subscriptions. If you only want to use notifications, you must still enter a text value for this option. The value does not need to be a valid connection string. Notifications are enabled only if this option is not empty.

Enable Advanced Project Workflow Module

Enables the features of the Meridian Advanced Project Workflow module. Enabling this option requires a Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Server license and Meridian Asset Management Module client extension licenses. This option is required to link Meridian Enterprise projects with Meridian Portal projects.

Enable Asset Management Module

Enables the features of the Meridian Asset Management Module. Use of this module requires Meridian Asset Management Module client extension licenses.

Enable Meridian Publisher extension

Enables the features of Publisher. Requires appropriate Publisher licenses to be registered.

Enable packages support

Enables viewing the packages that have been exported from Meridian Explorer that are related to a document.

Repository Name

Enter the name of the Meridian Explorer repository from which the packages are made. This option is required to enable the Export Packages and Import Packages pages in PowerWeb when it is integrated with Meridian Portal.


The maximum workflow log size for a vault in bytes. By default this value is set to 0, which means there is no maximum size. You can also configure this setting in your registry keys.

If the user performs an action and the log exceeds the maximum configured size, lines are removed from the start of the log until the log is not larger than the maximum size.