Rename a Vault

After a vault has been created, it cannot be easily renamed with the Administrator tool.


This task pertains to Hypertrieve vaults only. For information on moving SQL Server or Oracle vaults, see the links to related topics at the end of this topic.


The following task should only performed after business hours and after backing up all related files and registry settings. This task should only be performed by persons with knowledge of and experience with editing the Windows registry. Incorrect changes can result in the vault being inaccessible to users.

To rename a vault:

  1. Choose between two options:

    • In the Meridian Enterprise Administrator, right-click EDM Server in the left pane and select Properties.

      The service's Properties dialog box appears.

    • Use the Services applet in Control Panel.

  2. Change Startup type to Disabed.

  3. Click Apply.


    You must disable the services so that they will not automatically restart if requested by client applications.

  4. Click Stop.

    You are prompted to stop the Accruent Filesystem Server service.

  5. Click Yes.

    Both services are stopped.

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 6 with the Accruent License Server service and the AutoManager Task Server service (if used).

  7. If PowerWeb is used, also stop the World Web Publishing service on the web server.

  8. Open the server's registry in Registry Editor and locate the following key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\<VaultName>
  9. Change the value of DefaultSection to the new name.

  10. If you want new vaults to be created in a different folder than the default (C:\BC-Meridian Vaults), open the server's registry in Registry Editor and locate the following key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores
  11. Change the value of DefaultDataPath to the new location.

  12. In the Meridian Enterprise Administrator, change the Startup type property of the services that you cleared previously back to Automatic and restart the services.

  13. Test access to the vault by various security roles and that changes to documents are saved correctly.