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Configure the Audit Log Connection


This task is required only if the audit log data must be stored in a standalone external database. It is not required if the audit log data will be stored in Meridian Enterprise Server.

Logging audit data requires an available OLE DB database and an OLE DB driver for that database must be installed on the Meridian Enterprise application server. The database does not need to be the same database as where the document metadata is stored.

The audit log table must be created by a database administrator as described in Create an Audit Log Database. You must know a valid connection string for that database or the parameters necessary to build one.

If the Authenticate logon credentials with the operating system option is enabled as described in Configure Authentication, Meridian Enterprise versions prior to 2017 SP1 require the Host parameter to be set in the connection string. With version 2017 SP1 and later, the Host parameter does not need to be specified in the audit log database connection string if the audit log database is located on the same server.

To configure the audit log connection:

  1. In the Meridian Enterprise Administrator, click EDM Server in the left pane.

    The active vaults are listed in the right pane.

  2. Select the vault in the right pane for which you want to configure an audit log database.

  3. On the Action menu, select Properties.

    The vault's Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Advanced Features tab.

    The Advanced Features options appear.

  5. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

  6. Click OK.

Audit log database options
Option Description

Audit table connection string

Connection to an external database where vault audit trail data is stored by the Meridian FDA Module. Type a valid connection string to an existing OLE DB database or click the hyperlink and build one with the Data Link Properties dialog that appears. For information about creating a connection string, see Data Connections, Data Sources, and Connection Strings (SSRS) on Microsoft TechNet.

To use Meridian Enterprise Server for the audit trail, type the server name, IP port number, domain name, and account name using the following syntax. By default, the account that is used for the connection is specified during installation as described in Install the Server Components. To use a different account, specify it with <DomainName>\<AccountName> as shown.


This should be the same address as specified for the Address option described in Configure the Connection To Meridian Enterprise Server.