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BCUserDBGetUsersInfo Method

Overload List
Public methodGetUsersInfo(IEnumerableString)
Returns an array containing active user details.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(Int32)
Returns an array containing active user details of a user group with specified ID property value.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(String)
Returns an array containing active user details of the user group with the specified name.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(IEnumerableString, UserInfoFlags)
Returns an array containing user details.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(IEnumerableString, Boolean)
Returns an array containing user details.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(Int32, UserInfoFlags)
Returns an array containing user details of the specified user group.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(Int32, Boolean)
Returns an array containing user details of yhe user group with the specified ID property value.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(String, UserInfoFlags)
Returns an array containing user details of the specified user group.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(String, Boolean)
Returns an array containing user details of the user group with the specified name.
See Also