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BCUserDB Methods

The BCUserDB type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateGroup
Creates a new user group with the specified name.
Public methodCreateUser
Creates a new user with the specified work list.
Public methodDeleteGroup(Int32)
Deletes a user group with the specified ID property value.
Public methodDeleteGroup(String)
Deletes a user group with the specified name.
Public methodDeleteUser(Int32)
Deletes a user with the specified ID property value.
Public methodDeleteUser(String)
Deletes a user with the specified work list.
Public methodDispose
Releases the underlying wrapped object explicitly.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExecSQL(String)
Executes an SQL query against the user database.
Public methodExecSQL(String, IEnumerableObject)
Executes an SQL query against the user database.
Public methodExecSQL(String, IEnumerableObject, Array)
Executes an SQL query against the user database.
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetCreateWorkList
Resolves a Windows user account into a work list. If the work list does not exist, creates it.
Public methodGetGroup(Int32)
Returns a user group with the specified ID property value.
Public methodGetGroup(String)
Returns a user group with the specified name.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUser(Int32)
Returns a user with the specified ID property value.
Public methodGetUser(String)
Returns a user with the specified work list.
Public methodGetUserAccount
Resolves a work list into default user account.
Public methodGetUserFullName
Resolves a work list into user full name.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(IEnumerableString)
Returns an array containing active user details.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(Int32)
Returns an array containing active user details of a user group with specified ID property value.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(String)
Returns an array containing active user details of the user group with the specified name.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(IEnumerableString, UserInfoFlags)
Returns an array containing user details.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(IEnumerableString, Boolean)
Returns an array containing user details.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(Int32, UserInfoFlags)
Returns an array containing user details of the specified user group.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(Int32, Boolean)
Returns an array containing user details of yhe user group with the specified ID property value.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(String, UserInfoFlags)
Returns an array containing user details of the specified user group.
Public methodGetUsersInfo(String, Boolean)
Returns an array containing user details of the user group with the specified name.
Public methodGetWorkList
Resolves a Windows user account into work list.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnDispose
The method is called on the Dispose method call. Derived classes should override the method to perform custom disposing.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Protected methodThrowIfDisposed
Throws the ObjectDisposedException exception if the underlying object has been disposed.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
See Also