Acknowledge Packages

After you receive a package, you must acknowledge its receipt before you can work with its contents. This alerts the sender of the package that you successfully received it. When you acknowledge a package, you can assign ownership of its contents to a different project member and specify a due date for them to respond to the documents according to the project requirements and procedures.


This action can be automated. See Configure Automatic Actions.

You must be assigned to the Document Controller or Contractor role to perform this task.

To acknowledge a package:

  1. View the contents of the package that you want to acknowledge as described in View Packages.

  2. In the toolbar, click Acknowledge.

    The Acknowledge package dialog appears. If Acknowledge is unavailable, it can be due to the compliance status of the package and any of the documents it contains.

  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

  4. Click Acknowledge.

    The Acknowledge(d) property in Package Details group is set to the current date. The Due Date property in Package Details group is set to the date you selected. The documents are routed to the Compliance Check state and assigned to the user you selected.

    If you have the Document Controller role and the documents originated in Portal before they were sent to Meridian Enterprise, after you acknowledge the package, the documents are imported as new revisions of the originals and they are routed directly to the For Routing state, bypassing the Compliance Check state.

Acknowledge package options
Option Description
Due date

Pick a date by which a response is due from the person specified in Assign ownership.

Assign ownership

Select a project member to which to assign the package contents.

For information about accepting or rejecting documents during compliance checking, see Workflow Actions.