Download Documents From Packages

You can download individual documents from any package to which you have access. You can also download an entire package as a single compressed archive file that optionally includes the document metadata. After you download the files, you can annotate, revise, and upload them.

ClosedDownload Individual Documents

To download individual documents:

  1. Open the project that contains the documents that you want to download as described in Open Projects.

  2. Open the package that contains the documents that you want to download as described in View Packages.

  3. In the Documents list, click the Download icon A blue down arrow pointing to a blue rectangle. in the row of the document that you want to download.

    The Download dialog box appears.

  4. In the Sources list, click the name of the file that you want to download.

    Your browser downloads the document to your PC.

ClosedDownload a Package of Documents

To download a package of documents:

  1. Open the project that contains the documents that you want to download as described in Open Projects.

  2. In the navigation bar, click the Packages icon An icon depicting a piece of paper next to a briefcase..

    The Packages page appears and lists the packages for the current project.

  3. Click the Actions icon Three blue circles stacked in a column. of the package that you want to download.

  4. Click Download on the menu that appears.

    The Download Package dialog box appears.

  5. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table and then click OK.

    The files in the selected package are downloaded according to the options you selected.

Download options
Option Description

Downloads both the source files and their renditions


Downloads only the source files


Downloads only the renditions

Include Metadata Includes a CSV file in the archive that contains the document property values.
Save to single folder

Downloads all files to the same folder instead of to separate sub-folders for each document. If any filenames already exist in the destination folder, a sequential number is appended to the filenames of the subsequent copies, MyFile(1).txt, for example.