Documents in Portal

Documents are combinations of files which are managed by Meridian users via one or more workflows. Documents are composed of three "parts": the source file, the rendition (which can be generated in the system), and the document metadata. Document metadata consists of document properties, which are used to capture information about the document. As the document is revised, Portal keeps track of the changes to the document and records these changes as revisions in the document's history.

Every document in Portal is assigned an Item ID number when it is added to the system. That number is unique within your Portal tenancy and is key to the system tracking every document regardless of what happens to it. The number has no relation to any other metadata; therefore, it can be assigned by the system when no other properties have yet been set. This number is permanent and cannot be configured.

Each document must be assigned a Document Type. A document type is a template that specifies the properties that may be used with documents created of that type. There are four default document types, but your Tenant Administrator may also create additional document types. Your Tenant Administrator can configure the properties that are shown and/or required for the document type. They can also configure what properties are displayed on pages in the system using column views.


Portal does not support hybrid documents. Instead, we recommend that you use references.