How Revision Numbers Work

Meridian Cloud manages the revisions of documents and packages throughout their life cycle. It identifies revisions by their Revision property. Revision numbers can have only a major element (for example, 1) or also have a minor element (for example, 1.1).

By default, this property can be set manually by users as needed just like any other property as described in View And Edit Document Properties. The property can also be set automatically by the system when certain actions occur. The value that is set in the property can be configured by a user with the Tenant Administrator role as described in Configure the Revision Number Syntax.

As of the 2022.2 release, the revision number is synchronized between Portal and PowerWeb.

The following table lists the actions that set the revision number and what element of the number they affect. If the revision number is not configured for certain document type, the revision number is not automatically set.

Revision number actions
Action Element Affected Example
New revision created

Minor revision incremented


Revision reactivated

Minor revision incremented

Revision created from a template

Major revision initialized


Revision registered

Major revision initialized

Revision uploaded and acknowledged

Major revision initialized


Received from Meridian Enterprise Unchanged if the property is mapped. Unchanged if the property is not mapped and the document exists. Initialized if the property is not mapped and the document is new.