Create Integration URLs

You can compose dynamic URLs to show asset documents in Cloud Explorer. This functionality is typically used with our integrations with CMMS, EAM, or GIS applications like Maintenance Connection, Maximo, SAP, or ESRI.

Use the examples below to create your integration URLs. Replace the tenancy name and domain with the appropriate values. The [Asset ID, Work Order ID, or Functional Location ID] and the [Equipment, WorkOrder, or Location] values will be variables in your integration.

Cloud Explorer

For the Cloud Explorer, URLs must follow the format listed below:

https://integrationapp.meridiancloud[.net or .eu]/?tenant=[tenant name]&assetnumber=[Asset ID, Work Order ID, or Functional Location ID]&assettype=[Equipment, WorkOrder, or Location]


The values for lookup properties are case sensitive. For example: /documents?tenant=[tenant name]&title=&region=Pennsylvania,US

Document URL Component

The document URL component supports the view types or modes below. Replace the tenancy name and domain with the appropriate values.

You can share URLs to renditions, including URLs for specific revisions, so that external users can view them. The user must be authenticated as a Meridian Cloud user and have the required role for it.

Document URL component examples:

  • /integrationwebapp/documents?tenant=[tenant name]

    URL to get the list of all documents.

  • /integrationwebapp/documents?tenant=[tenant name]&[Property1]=[value1]&[Property2]=[value2]...

    This URL displays a list of documents filtered by values of Property1 and Property2 from the URL. You can use more property-value pairs.

    Example: /documents?tenant=[tenant name]&documentType=Generic Document&Title=123 This URL displays documents of Generic Document type which contain 123 in the Title property.

  • /integrationwebapp/documents/[document number]?tenant=[tenant name]

    This URL displays the properties of a document with the document number provided in the URL.

    You can also provide the document ID in the URL. The alternative version is: /documents/[document number]?tenant=[tenant name]&documentid=[document id]

    If present, the document ID prevails over the document number if they are mismatched. We recommend using the alternative version if you know the document ID.

  • /integrationwebapp/referencedDocuments?tenant=[tenant name]&documentid=[document id]&referenceDirection=1

    This URL displays the list of documents referenced by the document with the ID provided in the URL.

    If, alternatively, you want to see which documents refer to the given document, change the value of the referenceDirection parameter from 1 to 0.

  • /integrationwebapp/relatedAssets?tenant=[tenant name]&documentid=[document id]

    This URL displays the list of assets related to the document with the ID provided in the URL.

  • /pdfapp/v2/masters?tenant=[tenant name]&documentid=[document id]&revisionid=[revision id]

    URL to view a specific revision of a master document. Learn how to compare these revisions.

Asset URL Component

For assets, you can use the supported properties below to compose your integration URLs. Replace the tenancy name and domain with the appropriate values.

  • &description=

  • &status=[all|active|inactive]

  • &Type= (Value is case-sensitive)

  • &asset number=

  • &created by=

  • &modified by=

Asset URL component examples:

  • /integrationwebapp/asset?tenant=[tenant name]

    This URL displays the list of all assets.

  • /integrationwebapp/asset?tenant=[tenant name]&[Property1]=[value1]&[Property2]=[value2]...

    This URL displays a list of assets filtered by values of Property1 and Property2 from the URL. You can use more property-value pairs.

    Example: /asset?tenant=[tenant name]&type=Equipment&status=active

    This URL displays assets of Equipment type with active status.

  • /integrationwebapp/relatedDocuments?tenant=[tenant name]&assetnumber=[asset number]&assettype=[asset type]

    This URL displays the list of documents related to the asset with the given type and number.