Compare Revisions

If multiple revisions of a document exist in the repository, you can view information about them.

To view revisions:

  1. Find the document for which you want to view its revisions as described in Find Items.

  2. Double-click the row of the document for which you want to view its revisions.

    The Properties sidebar slides into view from the right side of the page.

  3. In the sidebar header, click Revisions.

    The list of revisions appears.

  4. Click Compare Revisions above the list of revisions.

    The PDF Viewer opens.

  5. Use the options of the page as described below.

  6. Compare Revisions page options
    Option Description

    Keep in sync

    When enabled and you switch from one rendition to the other, the viewing area remains the same so that you don't have to manually match the viewing area of one rendition to the other. When disabled, the viewing area is not synchronized so that you can easily view different areas of each rendition and switch between them.

    <Lowest rev.>(older)

    Displays only the first rendition.

    <Highest rev.>(newer)

    Displays only the second rendition.


    Displays both renditions simultaneously with the colors indicated by the legend in the bottom right corner of the page.


    Refreshes the current view to show any changes that have been made to renditions since you first opened the page.


    Reverses the comparison order of the renditions.