Vault Object
The Vault object represents the current vault and is available to all event procedures.
Vault Object Properties
The Vault object provides the following properties, most of which are read-only. To affect some read-only properties requires user interaction or custom event procedures.
Argument Property
A variable stored with the Vault object for as long as the current user has the vault open. The variable is local to the user and cannot be seen by other users.
Argument(Name) As Variant
The value of Name is case-sensitive.
Following are the predefined, read-only Vault object arguments that you can use to obtain additional information that may be useful when working with particular events.
Argument | Description |
Vault.Argument("__$$RelatedTransmittal") |
A reference to a transmittal document that is related to a submittal. Useful in the DocGenericEvent_BeforeNewDocument event. |
Vault.Argument("__$$SubmittalSender") |
A reference to the sender of a submittal. Useful in the DocGenericEvent_BeforeNewDocument event. |
For more information about arguments, see Object Arguments.
CurrentWorkArea Property
An object that represents the current work area context. Read-only. The work area feature has been deprecated.
CurrentWorkArea As IASWorkArea
HasFeature Property
True if the specified feature is enabled for the current vault. The Feature argument is specified as a long integer that represents one or more of the AS_FEATURES constants. Read-only.
HasFeature(Feature) As Boolean
Moment Property
When the vault is opened to a specific moment in the past, this property returns that date and time. Read-only.
For more information about vault history, see Vault History.
Moment As Date/Time
Name Property
Returns the name of the current object. Depending on the object type, this property returns the display name of the object or it returns the internal name and may be read-only.
Name As String
If the current object is a Package, it must be in the Open status to set the value.
If the current object is a User, this property is the short name of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information and is read-only. This property can be used to specify the recipient's email address and either an empty string or no value set in the Address property. If an email address is specified in Name, it must be surrounded with carets (<>). When used with Microsoft Outlook, the Name property may contain the user's full name or last name and Outlook will attempt to resolve the name to the email address in the default address book.
Option Property
Gets a customization setting that is stored on the Settings page in the Vault Settings group in the Environment branch in Meridian Enterprise Configurator. Read only.
The option name is specified as <SectionName>.<OptionName> and must match the structure and names used on the Settings page. The supported structure is the same as used on the tabs of the Application Link Settings group in the Environment branch in Meridian Enterprise Configurator.
Option As String
Path Property
The path of the vault expressed as \\<Machine>\<DataStore>\<Section>.
Path As String
Query Property
An object that represents the specified query. Read-only.
Query(Name) As IASQuery
RootFolder Property
An object that represents the root folder of the vault. Read-only.
For more information on folder objects, see Folder Object.
RootFolder As IASFolder
RootURL Property
The PowerWeb URL of the root folder of the vault. Read-only.
RootUrl As String
Scope Property
An object that represents the scope with a given name.
Scope(ScopeName As String) As IASScope
Sequence Property
An object that represents the specified vault sequence.
Using the vault name as a sequence name can cause errors and possibly crash the Meridian EDM Server service.
For information about the Sequence object, see Sequence Object.
Sequence(Name) As IASSequence
ServerName Property
The name of the server hosting the current vault. Read-only.
ServerName As String
ServerProductCode Property
A number expressed as a string that represents the server product. Read-only.
ServerProductCode As String
ServerTimeGMT Property
The system time of the server computer expressed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Read-only.
ServerTimeGMT As Date
StaticCollection Property
This property can be used to get access to a static collection, or create a static collection.
StaticCollection(CollectionName, [Create]) As IASStaticCollection
Name | Description |
CollectionName | The name of the static collection. |
Create | This parameter allows you to create a new static collection. |
If you assign the result of this property to a variable, then you must set the variable to Nothing in the same subroutine or function.
Table Property
An object that represents the specified table. Read-only.
For information about tables, see Create And Edit Tables.
Table(Name) As IASTable
Task Property
An object that represents the current Task object. Read-only.
For more information about task objects, see Task Object.
Task As IASTask
User(Name) Property
An object that represents the specified user. Read-only.
For more information about user objects, see User object .
User(Name) As IASUser
WebAccessLocationID Property
The PowerWeb URL of the vault. Read-only.
WebAccessLocationID As String
WorkIsolationMode Property
True if the Work Isolation Mode of the current vault is enabled. Read-only.
Work Isolation Mode is a legacy feature. We still support customers who have it enabled, but we do not allow it to be enabled in new Vaults.
WorkIsolationMode As Boolean
Vault Object Methods
The Vault object provides the methods described below.
AuditEvent Method
Adds custom command events to the audit log database.
Sub AuditEvent(EventName As String, [ObjectName As String], [ActionArg1 As String], [ActionArg2 As String], [ActionArg3 As String])
Name | Description |
EventName |
The name of the event that you want to add to the audit log database. |
ObjectName |
Optional name of the vault object upon which the custom event occurs. |
ActionArg1 |
Optional argument that describes the action taken. |
ActionArg2 |
Optional argument that describes the action taken. |
ActionArg3 |
Optional argument that describes the action taken. |
Requires a Meridian FDA Module server license.
The object specified by ObjectName must not be Nothing. The optional action arguments can be anything that you decide.
CallRemote Method
Executes a remote procedure call.
CallRemote(URL As String, Username As String, _ Password As String, RemoteVault As String, _ Script As String, [Args], [Flags As Long = 2])
Name | Description |
Location of the server with which to connect. |
Username |
User account to use to connect to the server. |
Password |
Password of the user account. |
RemoteVault |
Name of the remote vault with which to connect. |
Script |
Name of the procedure to execute on the remote server. |
Args |
Optional arguments for the procedure to execute. |
Flags |
Optional flags from the AS_CALLREMOTE_FLAGSS enumeration. |
The following examples show how to use this method.
Example function defined in the called vault:
Function RemoteTest (First, Second, Third) RemoteTest = "RemoteTest returns: " & First & ", " & Second & ", " & Third End Function
Example procedure defined in the calling vault:
Sub Test_Execute(Batch)
vArg = Array ("One ", "Two", "Three")
vRes = Vault.CallRemote ("http://MyServer/Meridian", "MyUserName", _
"MyPassword", "MyVaultName", "RemoteTest", VArg, AS_CRF_MULTIARGS)
WinMsgBox vRes
End Sub
ComposeURL Method
Gets a PowerWeb URL for the current vault.
ComposeURL(Object As Object, [Flags As AS_URL_FLAGS = AS_URL_FULLPATH])
Name | Description |
Object |
An object for which to return the address. |
Flags |
Optional long integer that represents one or more AS_URL_FLAGS constants. |
Return Value
A string URL.
The icon shown by shortcuts created with the return value of this method and the command line to execute those shortcuts are configured with the following registry keys:
The URL for the rendition of a document can be calculated by appending ;rend to the URL of the main document as in the following example:
Creates a new document in the vault. Option to add references between new documents and update properties for the new document object.
Calling the Vault.CreateNewDocument method triggers the Vault_Open event in script.
Vault.CreateNewDocument(documentPath As String, fileName As String, docTypeName As String, templateName As String)
Name | Description |
documentPath | The location where the document should be created. This path should not include the file name. |
fileName |
Name of the new document. |
docTypeName |
Optional parameter which specifies the document type. |
templateName |
Optional parameter which specifies the name of the template configured for the document type. |
Return Value
A new document object.
Sub DocGenericEvent_AfterNewDocument(Batch, Action, SourceFile, DocType, DocTemplate) If Document.DocumentType = "DocWithObject" And Action = AS_IT_CREATED Then Dim newDoc Set newDoc = Vault.CreateNewDocument("\AT_4_TagOperations\Objects","New.tag","Object","ObjectTemplate") Document.GetReferences("DocObjectReference").Add(newDoc.GlobalID) newDoc.Property("psObject.ObjectDescription") = "New Created object" newDoc.Property("psObject.ObjectType") = "ObjectType-01" newDoc.Property("psObject.ObjectNumber") = "ObjectNumber-01" End If End Sub
DisplayName Method
Returns the display name of a specified scope.
Vault(Scope As String).DisplayName
Name | Description |
Scope |
The name of the scope for which to return the display name. |
Return Value
The display name of the specified scope.
ExecSQL Method
Executes an SQL query using the specified connection string.
ExecSQL(Connection As String, Query As String, [Parameters])
Name | Description |
Connection |
A valid connection string for the database with which to execute the query. This parameter also accepts a variable that represents one of the following vault databases. The variables are case-sensitive. $$TransManDB: The Transmittal Management Module database (if installed) $$UserDB: The user account database When the Use Enterprise Server for user management option is enabled in the EDM Server properties in the Meridian Enterprise Administrator, the reserved word $$UserDB cannot be used in VBScript with the Vault.ExecSQL method to access the Meridian Enterprise Server user database. $$<QueryName>: External table query connection string created as described in Create And Edit External Data Queries |
Query |
A valid SQL query expression. |
Parameters |
Optional value or array of values to be used in a parametric query. The values do not need to be strings. The array should contain a value for each instance of the ? character in the SQL query. |
FindDocuments Method
Searches for documents in the Main area of the current vault.
FindDocuments([WildCard As String], [DocumentTypeNames As Variant], [Criteria As Variant], OrSearch As Boolean) _ As IASDocuments
Name | Description |
WildCard | Optional string that represents a file system wildcard pattern. If omitted, the scope of file names will include all documents (*.*). |
DocumentTypeNames |
Optional variant array of document type names to which to restrict the search result. If omitted, the scope of document types will include all document types. |
Criteria |
Optional variant array of property filter criteria. |
OrSearch |
Optional Boolean that if set to True specifies a Boolean OR search be performed. The default is False. |
Return Value
Returns a collection of Document Object objects matching the specified parameters.
The Criteria parameter can be specified as a single criterion array or as an array of criterion arrays. Each criterion array contains a property name, operator, and an optional value similar to the Find command in PowerUser. For example, Custom.ProjectNr, equals, 2134, where equals is the operator.
The search operators that are supported are those in the IC_OPERATOR constants enumeration. The following table lists the supported operators and the abbreviations, symbols, and constants that may be used:
Operator | Abbreviation | Symbol | Constant |
contains, in |
C |
* |
equals |
not equal |
doswildcard |
empty |
EM |
() |
equals, equal |
E |
EQ = |
less |
L |
< |
less than or equal |
LE |
<= |
like |
LI |
% |
more than |
M |
> |
more than or equal |
ME |
>= |
not contains |
not empty |
not equal |
<> |
not like |
not starts with |
starts with |
SW |
- The expression Vault.FindDocuments(<Criteria>).Count will return the number of documents that are found.
- The expression Vault.FindDocuments(<Criteria>).Properties will return 25 values for each document found without the property names, in no particular order.
- The expression Vault.FindDocuments(<Criteria>).Document(Document.ID).FileName will return the file name of a document if it matches the specified parameters.
- If you want to find a document with a specific ID, use the Vault.GetDocument method described in GetDocument method instead. Executing an expression such as Vault.FindDocuments.Document(ID) will cause the server to first create a collection of all documents in the vault and then search within that collection for the document with the specified ID. Such an operation can result in a large load on the server and take an excessive amount of time compared to using the Vault.GetDocument method.
- For best results when searching on date (day without time) values, use the operators with names that begin with IC_OP_DATE. For date with time (moment) searches, use the other operators.
- This method can return different results if it is called within the Document_AfterNewDocument event depending on whether Hypertrieve 3 or Hypertrieve 5 is used as the database engine of the vault. If the new document name matches the WildCard parameter, the collection of document IDs returned by a Hypertrieve 5 vault will contain the new document. A Hypertrieve 3 vault will not contain the new document. To make your script compatible with both vault types, it should filter the ID of the new document out of the search results. Similarly, if no results are expected (such as testing for a unique document name) but one document is returned, test whether it is the new document and proceed accordingly.
The following example demonstrates use of the FindDocuments method to display the results of a search executed with the specified parameters.
Sub SearchCount_Execute(Batch) Dim StrMask StrMask = "*1*.*" Dim MultipleDocTypes MultipleDocTypes = Array("My_Doc_Type", "Hybrid_Doc_Type") Dim MultipleCriteria MultipleCriteria = Array(_ Array("Custom.CI", IC_OP_MORE, 200),_ Array("Custom.CI", IC_OP_LESS, 300),_ Array("Custom.CS", IC_OP_CONTAINS, "o"),_ Array("Custom.CStr", IC_OP_CONTAINS, "iv"),_ Array("Custom.LOL", IC_OP_EQUALS, "a-z"),_ Array("AMVersionablePropertySet._VERSIONNUMBER", IC_OP_LESS, 2),_ Array("Custom.CDT", IC_OP_LESS, (DateSerial(1983,07,12))),_ Array("NewPS.CB", IC_OP_EQUALS, False)) Dim bool bool = True Dim Str Str = "" Dim Document For Each Document In Vault.FindDocuments(StrMask, MultipleDocTypes, _ MultipleCriteria, bool) str = str &_ " FileName - > " & Document.FileName & vbCrLf &_ " Document.DocumentType.DisplayName - > " & _ Document.DocumentType.DisplayName & vbCrLf &_ " Custom.CI - > " & Document.CI & vbCrLf &_ " Custom.CS - > " & Document.CS & vbCrLf &_ " Custom.CStr - > " & Document.CStr & vbCrLf &_ " Custom.CDT - > " & Document.CDT & vbCrLf &_ " NewPS.CB - > " & Document.NewPS_CB & vbCrLf &_ " NewPS.CM - > " & Document.NewPS_CM & vbCrLf &_ " Custom.LOL - > " & Document.Custom_LOL & vbCrLf &_ " Revision - > " & Document.Revision & vbCrLf & vbCrLf Next WinMsgBox "Total number of documents found is " &_ Vault.FindDocuments(StrMask, MultipleDocTypes, MultipleCriteria, bool).Count & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Str End Sub
GetDistinctValues Method
Returns the unique values of the specified property.
GetDistinctValues(PropertyName As String, MaxValues As Long = -1)
Name | Description |
PropertyName |
The name of the property for which to retrieve values. |
MaxValues |
The maximum number of values to return. The default of -1 returns all values. |
Return Value
An array of the values for the specified property.
GetDocument Method
Returns the document object for a specified ID.
GetDocument(ID As String) As IASDocument
Name | Description |
ID |
Global ID of the document to retrieve. |
Return Value
A Document object.
GetGroups Method
Returns the names of the current Meridian user groups.
GetGroups(GroupColumns As Long = 0, [User As String])
Name | Description |
GroupColumns |
The number of columns of group information to retrieve. The default of 0 returns all columns. |
User |
Optional name of the user for which to return groups that the user is a member of. |
Return Value
Returns an array of user group information. The dimensions of the array match the number of columns specified for GroupColumns.
GetPropertyNames Method
Get the property names for the specified property set.
GetPropertyNames(PropertySetName As String) As Array
Name | Description |
PropertySetName |
Name of the property set from which to return property names. |
Return Value
A string array of property names.
GetUsers Method
Returns the names of the current Meridian user accounts.
GetUsers(UserColumns As Long = 0, [Group As String])
Name | Description |
UserColumns |
The number of columns of user information to retrieve. The default of 0 returns all columns. |
Group |
Optional name of the group for which to return users that are members. |
Return Value
Returns an array of user group information. The dimensions of the array match the number of columns specified for UserColumns.
RootFolder Method
Returns the root folder of a specified scope.
Vault(Scope As String).RootFolder
Name | Description |
Scope |
The name of the scope for which to return the root folder name. |
Return Value
The root folder of the specified scope.
RunShellCommand Method
Opens a window and passes a specified command line to the operating system to execute. The command may be executed on the application server.
RunShellCommand(Command As String, [ShowWindow As IC_SHOWWINDOW As IC_SW_SHOWNORMAL], [AtServer As Boolean = False])
Name | Description |
Command |
The command line to execute. |
ShowWindow |
Optional window style specified as one of the IC_SHOWWINDOW constants. |
AtServer |
Optional flag to run the command on the server. |
SendNotification Method
Sends a notification email message for a specified object.
SendNotification (NotificationName As String, Object As Object)
Name | Description |
NotificationName |
The internal name of a notification definition created in Meridian Enterprise Configurator. The internal name can be seen in the tooltip that appears when the mouse cursor is hovered over the notification name. |
Object | The object about which to send the notification, typically a document object. |
For information about creating notification definitions, see Configure Event Notifications.