User object
The User object represents the current user and is available to all event procedures.
User Object Properties
The User object provides the following properties, all of which are read-only. To affect some read-only properties requires user interaction or custom event procedures.
Meridian user names can be shown in different formats as specified by the server registry setting UserNameFormat described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Server\UserDatabase.
AllEmails Property
All email addresses of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information. Read-only.
AllEmails As String
Description Property
The description of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information. Read-only.
Description As String
EmailAddress Property
The default email address of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information. Read-only.
EmailAddress As String
FullName Property
The full name of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information. Read-only.
Meridian user names can be shown in different formats as specified by the server registry setting UserNameFormat described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Server\UserDatabase.
FullName As String
HasPrivilege Property
True if the user has the specified privilege for the default object (ParentFolder or WorkArea) or an optional specified Document (expressed as Document.ParentFolder), Vault, WorkArea, or Folder object. The Privilege argument is specified as a long integer that represents one or more of the AS_PRIVILEGES constants. Read-only.
HasPrivilege(Privilege, [Object]) As Boolean
HasRole Property
True if the user is assigned the specified role for the default object (ParentFolder or WorkArea) or an optional specified Document (expressed as Document.ParentFolder), Folder, WorkArea, or Vault object. Read-only.
HasRole(Role, [Object]) As Boolean
To use this property in a visibility expression to conditionally show custom properties or pages in a new document wizard, the Object parameter must be specified as the expected destination folder of the new document. By default, new documents do not yet have a ParentFolder value in the DocGenericEvent_BeforeNewDocument event when the wizard is active.
If the default or a specified object does not have any roles assigned and also does not inherit any role assignments from a parent, this property will always return True. This behavior is by design; role-based security is disabled if there are no roles assigned in the vault. To enable role-based security and return a different result, assign at least one role to the root of the vault.
Initials Property
The initials of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information. Read-only.
Initials As String
Manager Property
The manager of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information. Read-only.
Manager As String
Name Property
Returns the name of the current object. Depending on the object type, this property returns the display name of the object or it returns the internal name and may be read-only.
Name As String
If the current object is a Package, it must be in the Open status to set the value.
If the current object is a User, this property is the short name of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information and is read-only. This property can be used to specify the recipient's email address and either an empty string or no value set in the Address property. If an email address is specified in Name, it must be surrounded with carets (<>). When used with Microsoft Outlook, the Name property may contain the user's full name or last name and Outlook will attempt to resolve the name to the email address in the default address book.
OrganizationalUnit Property
The organizational unit of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information. Read-only.
OrganizationalUnit As String
Profile Property
The user's personal PowerWeb settings.
Profile.ActiveXCompatibilityMode As Boolean
Profile.CurrentTimeZone As String
Profile.Language As String (case sensitive Windows Language Code Identifier)
Profile.Locale As String (case sensitive Windows Language Code Identifier)
Profile.SiteCacheMode As Boolean
Profile.ViewRenditions As Boolean
Profile.CreateThumbnailsOnImport As Boolean
Profile.UpdateThumbNailsAfterQuickChange As Boolean
Profile.RememberVaultLocation As Boolean
Profile.ShowRibbon As Boolean
Set values in the VaultEvent_NewProfile event.
Title Property
The title of the user as stored in the user's Meridian account information. Read-only.
Title As String
User Object Methods
The User object provides no methods.