Create And Edit a Collection

You can create a collection as either a new, empty list or from the results of first searching for documents.


Use caution when creating collections in one time zone that may be viewed in a different time zone. If the search is based on criteria that includes a literal date comparison, the collection may show unexpected results. This is because of the difference in time zones between where the collection was created and where it is viewed. Date comparisons that use variables like %CURRENTDATE% are not affected.

ClosedPowerWeb Procedures

Use these steps for PowerWeb.

ClosedCreate an Empty Collection

To create an empty collection:

  1. Choose one of the following options:

    • In the Search ribbon, in the Collection group, click New Collection.

      The New Collection dialog box appears.

    • Right-click the folder, point to Search > Collection, and then select New Collection.

    • From the Thumbnails view:

      1. Right-click a thumbnail of a folder or document.

      2. Point to Search > Collection and then select New Collection.

  2. Type a name for the new collection.

  3. Click OK.

ClosedCreate a Collection from Search Results

To create a collection from search results:

  1. Run a search using Find as described in Find.

  2. To save the results as your My Search Results static collection, click the Search Results icon A piece of paper with a magnifying glass over it..

    The documents may then be manipulated in the Navigation view instead of in the Find dialog. The collection is created if it does not yet exist or is overwritten if it does exist.

  3. To save the results as a new dynamic collection with a different name:

    1. If the Properties page is not visible, click Search Results in the navigation view to show the current search criteria.

    2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

  4. Click Save.

    To open the new collection for further editing, click Execute.

Collection options
Option Description

Save as new dynamic collection

Type a descriptive name for the new collection.

Available for all users

Enable this option to make this collection available to other users, as a starting page for read-only PowerWeb users, or to select it as the scope of a report definition.

Add criterion

Allows you to add criteria to your collection.

To add criteria:

  1. Select a property from the property list.

  2. Select a search operator from the operator list.

  3. Type keywords in the text box.

  4. Click the Add to List icon A green circle with a green plus symbol in its center..

    The criterion is added to Current criteria.

  5. To apply the new criteria and preview the current search results, click Find Now.

ClosedEdit Criteria of an Existing Collection

To edit the criteria of an existing collection:

  1. Open the collection as described in View a Collection.

  2. Click the collection name in the navigation view to show the current search criteria.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Choose between two options:

    • To remove a criterion, deselect it in Current criteria.

    • To add a criteria, click options or type values using the description of Add criterion in the preceding table.

  5. Click OK.

ClosedAdd Documents to an Existing Collection

Adding new documents to the vault while viewing a collection also adds the documents to the active collection.

To add documents to an existing collection:

  1. Run a search using Find as described in Find.

  2. Select the documents that you want to add to the collection.

  3. Choose one of the following options:

    • In the context menu, point to Search and then click Add to Collection.

      The Add to Collection dialog box appears.

    • In the Search ribbon, in the Collection group, click Add to Collection.

      The Add to Collection dialog box appears.

    • From the Thumbnails view:

      1. Right-click a thumbnail of a folder or document.

      2. Point to Search and then select Add to Collection.

  4. In the collection list, click the name of the collection to which you want to add the selected documents and click OK.

    The documents are added to the selected collection.

ClosedRemove Documents from an Existing Collection

To remove documents from an existing collection:

  1. Open the collection from which you want to remove documents as described in View a Collection.

  2. Select the documents that you want to remove from the collection.

  3. Choose one of the following options:

    • In the context menu, point to Search and then click Remove from Collection.

    • In the Search ribbon, in the Collection group, click Remove from Collection.

      The documents are removed from the collection.

    • From the Thumbnails view:

      1. Right-click a thumbnail of a folder or document.

      2. Point to Search and then select Remove from Collection.

ClosedPowerUser Procedures

Use these steps for PowerUser.

ClosedCreate an Empty Collection

To create an empty collection:

  1. On the Vault menu, click Collections.

    The Collections in <VaultName> dialog box appears.

  2. In the toolbar, click the New static collection button A gray button which has a blue flag and a yellow diamond on it..

    A collection named New Collection is added to the list and the name is editable.

  3. Type a name for the new collection and press Enter.

ClosedCreate a Collection from Search Results

To create a collection from search results:

  1. Run a search using Find as described in Find.

  2. To save the results as your My Search Results static collection, click Save.

    The documents may then be manipulated in the Navigation view instead of in the Find dialog. The collection is created if it does not yet exist or is overwritten if it does exist.

    To add the results to your existing My Search Results collection, click the arrowhead and select Add to My Search Results or Add to My Search Results and close.


    Individual documents and folders may also be added to your existing My Search Results collection by clicking Add to My Search Result on the document shortcut menu.

  3. To save the results as a new static or dynamic collection with a different name or to add or remove it from it an existing static collection, click Save As.

    The Save Search dialog box appears.

  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

  5. Click OK.

Saved search options
Option Description

Create static collection with name

Type a descriptive name for the new collection.

Create dynamic collection with name

Type a descriptive name for the new collection.

Available for all users

Enable this option to make this collection available to other users, to select it as the scope of a report definition, or as a starting page for read-only PowerWeb users.


Displays additional options to add or subtract the results from an existing static collection. Enabled only if one or more static collections exist.

ClosedAdd Documents to an Existing Collection

Adding new documents to the vault while viewing a collection also adds the documents to the active collection.

To add documents to an existing collection:

  1. Select the documents that you want to add to the collection.

  2. On the Document menu, click Add to Collection.

    The Collections in <VaultName> dialog box appears.

  3. In the collection list, click the name of the collection to which you want to add the selected documents and click OK.

    The documents are added to the selected collection.

ClosedRemove Documents from an Existing Collection

To remove documents from an existing collection:

  1. Open the collection from which you want to remove documents as described in View a Collection.

  2. Select the documents that you want to remove from the collection.

  3. On the Document menu, click Remove from Collection.

    The selected documents are removed from the active collection.