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Add Documents To Packages

Meridian Explorer users can export documents to export packages for use by business partners. You can add documents to these packages from within Meridian Enterprise or create new packages for export by Meridian Explorer users.

ClosedNotes About System Behavior

  • When you add documents to a package, only the current revision of the document is added and the package will only appear on the Export Packages property page of that revision. Subsequent revisions of the document will not show the package unless you view the prior revision of the document as described in View Prior Revisions.

  • Depending on the configuration of the publishing job that is assigned to a package, documents that you add to the package might be locked after the package is sent. For information about unlocking such documents, see Lock And Unlock Documents.

  • Adding documents to a package can fail for a variety of reasons including:

    • Document properties do not pass validation by the vault's configuration. Edit the properties of the document to set any required values and correct any invalid values in Meridian first, then add the documents to a package.

    • Documents do not pass assembly reference validation. Be sure to include all referenced documents in your selection before adding them to a package.

ClosedPowerWeb Procedures

Use these steps for PowerWeb.

ClosedCreate a New Export Package

To create a new export package:

  1. On the Export Packages property page of any document, click New Package.

    The New Package dialog box appears.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Name: The name of the package as it should appear to others.

    • Recipient: The email addresses of the persons that will be notified about the package. Separate multiple email addresses with commas (,).

    • Description: A description of the package as you want others to see it.

    • Include Content: Select which document content to include in the package: the source document, the rendition, or both.

    • Related Project: If this document is associated with a project, this field will auto-populate with the project the document is associated with. If this document is not associated with a project, you can choose to select a project from this field. You are not required to choose a project from this field.

    • Export Destination: Select a destination where to create the package.

  3. Click Create.

    The package is created and can be selected in the preceding task.

ClosedAdd Documents to an Existing Package

To add documents to an existing package:

  1. Choose one of the following options:

    • From the context menu:

      1. Select the documents that you want to add to a package.

      2. Right-click anywhere within your selection, point to Vault, and then click Add to Export Package on the shortcut menu that appears.

        The Add to Export Package/Select Package dialog box appears.

    • From the ribbon:

      1. Select the documents that you want to add to a package.

      2. In the Exchange ribbon, in the Package group, click Add to Export Package.

        The Add to Export Package/Select Package dialog box appears.

    • From the Thumbnails view:

      1. Right-click a thumbnail of a document.

      2. Select Document > Add to Export Package.

        The Add to Export Package/Select Package dialog box appears.

  2. Select the package to which you want to add the documents.

  3. If you want to include CAD references, select the check box.

  4. Click OK.

    A progress dialog box appears and shows the results of adding the documents to the package. If any documents fail property value validation or assembly reference validation, they are not added to the package.

ClosedAdd Search Results to Existing Export Package

To add a batch of files to an existing export package:

  1. Conduct a search.

  2. Select the Search Results heading.

    This will apply the command you select to all results in your search, including results on subsequent pages.

  3. Select the Add to Export Package command from the Exchange tab.

    The Add to Export Package/Select Package dialog box appears and lists the existing export packages.

  4. Select the package to which you want to add the documents.

  5. If you want to include CAD references, select the check box.

  6. Click OK.

    A progress dialog box appears and shows the results of adding the documents to the package. If any documents fail property value validation or assembly reference validation, they are not added to the package.

ClosedPowerUser Procedures

To add documents to a new or existing package:

  1. Select the documents that you want to add to a package.

  2. Right-click anywhere within your selection and then click Add to Export Package on the shortcut menu that appears.

    The Select Package dialog box appears and lists the existing export packages.

  3. If the package you want to add the documents to does not yet exist and you want to create a new package:

    If you proceed, you will not be able to assign the package to a project. If you want to assign the package to a project, create the package first and assign it to the project and then add the documents to the package.

    1. Click Create new package.

      The Create new package dialog box appears.

    2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the preceding table.

    3. Click OK.

      The new package appears in the package list.

  4. Select the package to which you want to add the documents and then click OK.

    A progress dialog box appears and shows the results of adding the documents to the package. If any documents fail property value validation or assembly reference validation, they are not added to the package.