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Install Second Language Support

Meridian user interface support for the English language is built in. The PowerWeb, Meridian Explorer, and Meridian Enterprise Server support a user-selected language. The Meridian Windows applications (PowerUser, Configurator, and Administrator) support a second language in addition to English.

You can install a second language in one of two ways:

  • Select the language from the setup program during installation (setup.exe only)

  • Use the TRANSFORMS argument with the command line (.msi files only) to specify the support file that corresponds to the language that you want to install. You may only install support for one language other than English.

    See the following table for the filenames of the language support files. For more information about using the command line, see Command-Line Switches.

You may not install a second language after the initial installation. After you have installed support for a non-English language, you can switch between that language and English and vice versa. Support for the English language does not require separate installation.

  • Language support only affects the Meridian software user interface and how dates are shown. It does not affect vault configuration or customization text (property names, for example) or document content and its metadata, which remain in the original language.

  • Dates can be displayed in formats other than that of the selected Windows locale by setting the LCID value of this registry key, which also affects PowerWeb:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion

    If the default date format for the selected locale does not meet your needs, you can create a custom locale as described in Custom Locales.

ClosedSupported Languages

These language versions are only available through special channels. Contact Accruent Sales for more information.

Meridian currently supports the following languages:

Language strings and filenames
Language String Filename
Brazilian Bra




French Fre


Italian Ita
Japanese Jap
Korean Han
Polish Plk
Russian Rus


Swedish Sve

ClosedSwitch from Non-English Language to English

To switch from a non-English language to English:

  1. Install support for the non-English language using one of the methods at the beginning of this topic.

  2. Modify the default Language value in the following registry keys:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager View Control2

    The default is the language that was selected during installation. Set the value to Eng. You may then switch back to the non-English language by setting the value back to the default (the corresponding language string in the following table). This sets the language the current user of the PC.

  3. Restart Application Integration (AMHookTray.exe) for the change to take effect there.

ClosedSwitch from Non-English Language to Non-English Language

To switch from one non-English language to another non-English language:

  1. Install support for the first non-English language using one of the methods at the beginning of this topic

  2. Install support for the second non-English language on a different computer using one of the methods at the beginning of this topic.

  3. Copy the support files for the second language to the computer where you want to switch languages.

    The files are those with names that begin with the language string in the following table (for example, FRE*.* for French). Copy the files from the 32-bit program folder (by default, C:\Program Files (x86)\BC-Meridian\Program) and from the Cyco Shared folder (by default, C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Cyco Shared). Do this for either the 32-bit or the 64-bit versions. The 64-bit version does not have its own language support files, but uses the 32-bit files.

  4. Modify the registry value as described in the preceding task.

  5. Restart Application Integration (AMHookTray.exe) for the change to take effect there.

ClosedSet Language for All Users of a Computer

To set the language for all users of the same computer (for example, a remote session host):

  • Modify the default Language value in the following registry key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion

    This value overrides the value in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.

    Installation files for language support can be found in the same folder as the setup package (.msi) file. The language support files are named according to the Windows locale codes.

ClosedSwitch Language in Viewer

To manually switch the language that is shown in the viewer:

  1. Right-click anywhere within the viewer window.

    The shortcut menu appears.

  2. Click Viewer Options.

    The Accruent View Control dialog box appears.

  3. On the General Options tab, in the Common settings branch, select the language string in the Language list.

  4. Click OK.