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BCFieldPathNormalLevel Properties

The BCFieldPathNormalLevel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreatableFolderTypes
Gets the collection of allowed folder types.
Public propertyDefaultFolderType
Gets or sets the default folder type for the level.
Public propertyDisableAMFolder
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to disable AMFolder on the level.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets the display name of the level.
(Inherited from BCFieldPathLevel.)
Public propertyExtendable
Gets the extended object.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public propertyIconIndex
Gets or sets the index of the icon to display.
(Inherited from BCFieldPathLevel.)
Public propertyID
Gets the value that uniquely identifies the level.
(Inherited from BCFieldPathLevel.)
Public propertyIsBranchPoint Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the level is a branch point.
(Inherited from BCFieldPathLevel.)
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed of.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyName
Gets the internal name of the level.
(Inherited from BCFieldPathLevel.)
Public propertyNextLevel
Gets the next level.
(Inherited from BCFieldPathLevel.)
Public propertyParentBranch
Gets the parent branch.
(Inherited from BCFieldPathLevel.)
Public propertyProperty
Gets or sets the property definition related to the level.
(Inherited from BCFieldPathLevel.)
Public propertyRepository
Gets the repository to which the object belongs.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public propertyRequired
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a value must be entered at this level.
(Inherited from BCFieldPathLevel.)
Public propertySecurable
Gets the secured object.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public propertyUnderlyingObject
Gets the underlying wrapped object.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
See Also