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BCDocumentWorkflow Properties

The BCDocumentWorkflow type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanChangeTodoPerson
Gets a value indicating whether a user is allowed to forward the document.
Public propertyComment
Gets or sets the text message of a document log comment (the last added line).
Public propertyDocument
Gets the document the workflow manages.
Public propertyLog
Gets the content of the document log.
Public propertyManager
Gets or sets the user name of the current workflow manager.
Public propertyManagers
Gets the array of user names of the current managers.
Public propertyPossibleNextStates
Gets possible states to which a user can move the document.
Public propertyStatus
Gets the current workflow state.
Public propertyStatusText
Gets the description of the current workflow state.
Public propertyTodoAction
Gets the description of the action associated with the current workflow state.
Public propertyTodoPerson
Gets or sets the user name of the current to-do person.
Public propertyTodoPersons
Gets the array of user names of the current to-do persons.
Public propertyWorkflowDef
Gets the current workflow definition of the document.
Public propertyWorkflowState
Gets the current workflow state of the document.
See Also