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BCEnvironment Properties

The BCEnvironment type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllDocumentProperties
Gets the collection of property definitions used for all document types.
Public propertyAllFolderProperties
Gets the collection of property definitions used for all folder types.
Public propertyAllowedInFieldPathProperties
Returns the collection of property definitions that may be used in a Field-Path Definition.
Public propertyAllUnassignedProperties
Gets the collection of all property definitions of all unassigned property definitions.
Public propertyAvailableNavigationViews
Gets the collection of navigation views that are available to the user.
Public propertyAvailableToDoPersonAdditionalPrivileges
Gets the collection of privileges that are available as additional to-do person privileges in a workflow state.
Public propertyCustomToDoPersonAdditionalPrivileges
Gets the collection of custom privileges that are available as additional to-do person privileges in a workflow state.
Public propertyDefaultDocumentType
Gets or sets the default document type.
Public propertyDefaultStoredPropertyDefCollection
Gets or sets the default stored collection of property definitions.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets the display name of the environment.
Public propertyDocRefTypes
Gets the collection of all document reference types.
Public propertyDocumentTypes
Gets the collection of all document types.
Public propertyEnableRenditions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether renditions are enabled.
Public propertyExtendable
Gets the extended object.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public propertyExtensionMappings
Gets the collection of all extension mappings.
Public propertyFieldPathDefinition
Gets the definition of the Field-Path definition facility, or null if the Field-Path definition is not defined.
Public propertyFolderSearchPropertyDefCollection
Gets the stored collection of property definitions for folder search results.
Public propertyFolderTypes
Gets the collection of all folder types.
Public propertyGlobalSearchQueries
Gets the collection of all global search queries.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed of.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyLastChanged
Gets the date on which the environment was last changed.
Public propertyLookupLists
Gets the collection of all lookup lists.
Public propertyModificationDate
Gets the date when the environment was last modified.
Public propertyName
Gets the internal name of the environment.
Public propertyNavigationViews
Gets the collection of navigation views.
Public propertyPreferredForSearchPropertyDefCollection
Gets the collection of property definitions preferred for search.
Public propertyPrivileges
Gets the collection of all privileges.
Public propertyProjectDefinitions
Gets the collection of all project definitions.
Public propertyPropertySets
Gets the collection of all property sets.
Public propertyReports
Gets the collection of all reports.
Public propertyRepository
Gets the repository to which the object belongs.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public propertyRequiredChangePrivilege
Gets or sets the privilege required to change the privileges.
Public propertySearchPropertyDefCollection
Gets the collection of property definitions for search results.
Public propertySecurable
Gets the secured object.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public propertyStoredFolderSearchQueries
Gets the collection of all stored folder search queries.
Public propertyStoredPropertyDefCollections
Gets the collection of all stored collections of property definitions.
Public propertyStoredSearchQueries
Gets the collection of all stored search queries.
Public propertyTmpFieldPathDefinition
Gets the temporary definition of the Field-Path definition facility, or null if the Field-Path definition is not defined.
Public propertyUIExtensionRefs
Gets the collection of all UI extension definitions.
Public propertyUnderlyingObject
Gets the underlying wrapped object.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyUseDTSecurity
Gets or sets a value indicating whether document type security (DTS) is used.
Public propertyUseRoleBasedSecurity
Gets or sets a value indicating whether role-based security is used.
Public propertyUserPropertyDefCollection
Gets the stored collection of property definitions for the current user.
Public propertyUserRoles
Gets the collection of all user roles.
Public propertyVersionNumber
Gets the version number of the environment.
Public propertyWorkflowDefinitions
Gets the collection of all workflow definitions.
Public propertyWorkListColumnPropertyDefCollection
Gets the collection of property definitions for columns in the documents view of work lists.
Public propertyWorkPackageTemplates
Gets the collection of all work area templates.
See Also