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BCRepository Properties

The BCRepository type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAMFSSharePath
Gets the UNC share path of the local AMFS drive.
Public propertyAMLicense
Gets the license information for the repository.
Public propertyAMServer
Gets the server information for the repository.
Public propertyAPWFEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Advanced Project Workflow module has been enabled for the vault.
Public propertyAuditTrail
Gets the audit trailer for the repository.
Public propertyBaselines
Gets the collection of baselines.
Public propertyCheckCredentials
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to authenticate logon credentials with the operating system.
Public propertyContextPath
Gets the path describing the context in which this repository is currently opened.
Public propertyCreationDate
Gets the creation date of the repository.
Public propertyCurrentWorkList
Gets the work list for the current user in the current work area.
Public propertyCurrentWorkPackage
Gets the current opened work area.
Public propertyDataStoreName
Gets the name of the data store.
Public propertyDetectChangedDocuments
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the detection of documents chnaged during the transaction.
Public propertyDisableWorkAreas
Gets or sets a value indicating whether work areas have been disabled for the vault.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets the display name of the repository.
Public propertyDocumentCount
Gets the total number of documents in the vault.
Public propertyEDMServerVersion
Gets the server version.
Public propertyEnvironment
Gets the environment settings.
Public propertyIgnoreDocumentLockID
Gets or sets the current session document LockID property value that should be ignored on restricted operations.
Public propertyImportFilter
Gets AMFS no-import filter.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed of.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyIsFQDNSSupported
Gets a value indicating whether fully-qualified domain names are used (instead of NETBIOS names).
Public propertyIsOpen Obsolete.
Gets a value indicating whether the repository is currently opened.
Public propertyIsRevoked
Gets a value indicating whether the current transaction has been revoked.
Public propertyIsUserMode
Gets a value indicating whether the repository is opened in writable mode.
Public propertyIsWorkIsolationMode Obsolete.
Gets a value indicating whether the Work Isolation mode has been enabled for the vault.
Public propertyMainWorkPackages
Gets the collection of main-level work areas.
Public propertyMoment
Gets the date when the repository was opened. The current transaction will view the vault as it existed at that point in time. Gets if the repository was opened in the present time.
Public propertyMomentDate
Gets the date when the repository was opened. The current transaction will view the vault as it existed at that point in time. Gets the current server time if the transaction is in the present time (the Moment property returns ).
Public propertyName
Gets the internal name of the repository.
Public propertyOnImportDocument
Gets or sets the state to set when a document is imported.
Public propertyOtherWLAccessRights
Gets access rights for the current user to access/modify work lists of other people.
Public propertyPatchCode
Gets the license type.
Public propertyRequireChangeThroughSubWP
Gets or sets a value indicating whether documents can be edited in the work area. If then documents should be assigned to a sub-work area first.
Public propertyRollbackOnDispose
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the repository should be closed without commitment when the repository is disposed. Default value is .
Public propertyRoot
Gets the root folder of the repository.
Public propertyRootObjectID
Gets the value that uniquely identifies the root object of the repository.
Public propertySelections
Gets the collection of selections in the current work area.
Public propertyServerTime
Gets the current server time.
Public propertySessionIdentification
Gets or sets the session identification.
Public propertySharedEnvironment
Gets the environment settings.
Public propertySubWorkPackages
Gets the collection of sub-work packages.
Public propertyUnderlyingObject
Gets the underlying wrapped object.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyUseAMFS
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use AMFS.
Public propertyUseESignOnTransitions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use electronic signatures on workflow transitions.
Public propertyUseObjectContext
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the object context mode of the current transaction.
Public propertyUser
Gets the name of the user.
Public propertyUsesExternalEnvironment
Gets a value indicating whether the vault was opened with an external environment.
Public propertyWebAccessLocationID
Gets or sets the unique value that identifies the published location of the vault which can be used by Web Access.
Public propertyWebAccessLocationName
Gets or sets the name of the Web Location.
Public propertyWebAccessVirtualDirectory
Gets or sets the base URL of the vault which can be used by Web Access.
Public propertyWorkIsolationMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Work Isolation mode has been enabled for the vault.
Public propertyWorkLists
Gets the collection of work lists.
See Also