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OperatorKind Enumeration

Defines an operator to be used in queries/filters.

Namespace:  BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian.Server
Assembly:  BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian (in BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian.dll) Version: (
public enum OperatorKind
  Member nameValueDescription
OP_EQUALS1 Equality.
OP_LESS2 Less than.
OP_MORE3 More than.
OP_LESS_EQUAL4 Less than or equal.
OP_MORE_EQUAL5 More than or equal.
OP_NOT_EQUAL6 Not equal.
OP_LIKE7 Like.
OP_NOT_LIKE8 Not like.
OP_EMPTY9 Empty.
OP_NOT_EMPTY10 Not empty.
OP_CONTAINS11 Contains.
OP_NOT_CONTAINS12 Not contains.
OP_STARTSWITH13 Starts with.
OP_NOT_STARTSWITH14 Not starts with.
OP_DOSWILDCARD15 DOS-style wildcard.
OP_DATE_EQUALS18 Date equals.
OP_DATE_NOT_EQUAL19 Date not equal.
This enumeration overrides AMOPERATOR defined in BlueCieloECM.AMOm PIA.
See Also