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BCRepositoryReOpen Method

Overload List
Public methodReOpen Obsolete.
Commits changes made during the current transaction and reopens the repository at the Moment time and the same as the CurrentWorkPackage work area. All transaction objects will be disposed.
Public methodReOpen(Boolean) Obsolete.
Reopens the repository at the Moment time and the same as the CurrentWorkPackage work area. All transaction objects will be disposed.
Public methodReOpen(Boolean, Boolean)
Reopens the repository in the specified mode and work area in which the repository was initially opened. All transaction objects will be disposed.
Public methodReOpen(Boolean, NullableDateTime)
Reopens the repository at the specified time and work area in which the repository was initially opened. All transaction objects will be disposed.
Public methodReOpen(Boolean, Boolean, String)
Reopens the repository in the specified work area and mode. All transaction objects will be disposed.
Public methodReOpen(Boolean, NullableDateTime, String)
Reopens the repository at the specified moment and in the specified work area. All transaction objects will be disposed.
See Also