Release Documents

Releasing a document completes the change control process and results in a document of record (master document).

Released documents can be sent for information purposes to support other work as shown in the preceding picture. They can also be handed over to Meridian Enterprise for wider dissemination as master documents and for archiving and retention purposes.

Depending on your organization's reference rules, there are three possible outcomes when releasing documents:

  • The document is released regardless of whether the referenced document is also released.

  • If a referenced document is not released, you will be asked to confirm whether you want to release the current document. You can then choose to release the current document without releasing the referenced documents, or to cancel the release so that you can release the referenced documents.

  • If a referenced document is not released, you will not be allowed to release the document until you release the referenced document. All referenced documents should be included in the same upload to the Portal for XRef scanning.

This functionality is configurable by the Tenant Administrator, and is applicable to Project Owners or Document Controllers.