Export Document Properties

It's easy to export the property values (metadata) of a group of documents from Meridian Portal for use in other programs. The data can be exported in either Comma Separated Value (CSV) or Microsoft Excel (XLSX) format.

ClosedExport Metadata from Clipboard Documents

To export the metadata from clipboard documents:

  1. Place the documents for which you want to export their metadata on the clipboard as described in Add Documents To the Clipboard.

  2. View the clipboard as described in View the Clipboard.

  3. In the header toolbar, click Metadata.

  4. In the menu that appears, click Export CSV or Export XLSX.

    The Export Metadata to file dialog box appears and displays the progress as the export file is generated.

  5. Click Export.

    A file in the selected format downloads to your PC where you can work with it.

ClosedExport Metadata from Package Documents

The package must be in the Edit (rejected and acknowledged) state to perform this task.

To export the metadata from package documents:

  1. View the package of documents for which you want to export their metadata as described in View Packages.

  2. In the header toolbar, click Metadata.

  3. In the menu that appears, click Export CSV or Export XLSX.

    The Export Metadata to file dialog box appears and displays the progress as the export file is generated.

  4. Click Export.

    A file in the selected format downloads to your PC where you can work with it.