Cloud Connector Installation

By default, when you download the Meridian Cloud Connector installation package, it can be run immediately without any configuration on your part and will connect the client to your Meridian Cloud tenancy automatically. Alternatively, the package can be manually configured to install the components and to connect to an on-premises Meridian Enterprise deployment.

This client is for Internet use only, not for LAN users. All communication with the Meridian EDM Server will go through the Meridian web server.

The package requires:

  • Windows x64 operating system

  • .NET Framework

  • SQL Compact or MS Jet are NOT required

The package can be configured by creating or editing the file Meridian Cloud Connector.ini located in the same location as Meridian Cloud Connector.msi. The file should include the settings in the INI Settings and Features sections described below.


Google does not support Google Authentication in Internet Explorer. If you want to use Google Authentication for the Cloud Connector, switch your default browser to Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

ClosedEnable Users to Change the Site Cache URL

Users cannot change the Site Cache URL using the Cloud Connector unless you have enabled access to the setting.

To enable users to change the Site Cache URL:

  • Set the RemoteOnly registry key value to 0.

Setting this value will enable the site cache options for the Accruent Application Integration, which can be accessed from the icon in the system tray. However, this value also enables other options that you may not want users to access. Review the linked documentation for more information.

ClosedINI Settings

The package can also be installed from a command line with the parameters listed in the Command Line Parameters column below.

Options Settings
INI Setting Name Command Line Parameter Description
N/A ALLUSERS=2 Set to 2 to install the client separately for each user of the machine instead of for all users of the machine (default). The ADDLOCAL parameter must only be set to WEBCLIENT and no other features. The MSIINSTALLPERUSER parameter must be set to 1.

The installer will add a desktop shortcut to this URL, which should be the landing page for the Meridian Cloud tenancy.

For example, https://<TenancyName>

SITECACHEURL SCURL URL of the site cache server to be used
LWSFOLDER LWSFOLDER Local workspace folder location

URL of your tenancy at the domain specified by M360DOMAIN. Used only for external authentication by an OpenID provider.

For example, https://<TenancyName>

ISSUERURI ISSUERURI Used only for external authentication by an OpenID provider.
M360DOMAIN M360DOMAIN for customers in North America, for customers in Europe. Used only for external authentication by an OpenID provider.
N/A MSIINSTALLPERUSER Set to 1 to install the client separately for each user of the machine instead of for all users of the machine (default). The ADDLOCAL parameter must only be set to WEBCLIENT and no other features. The ALLUSERS parameter must be set to 2.

Controls display of the setup wizard dialog pages:

0 - Even if all parameters are specified in the .ini file, will display all pages so that the user can modify them.

1 - Pages will not be displayed, only settings in the .ini file will be used.


Authentication method:

0 - Active Directory for on-premises users

1 - External authentication by an OpenID provider using the settings above.

ClosedFeatures Section

The Features section contains settings to install the application links, which can be any of the following:

  • AMHook (generic Application Integration)

  • AutoCAD

  • Inventor

  • SolidWorks

  • Revit

  • MicroStation

  • Office

Setting the feature to 1 installs the link, 0 skips link installation.

Following are example .ini file contents.


ClosedInstall Package from a Command Line

To install the package from a command line, use the Command Line Parameter settings described in the INI Settings section above.


In this example, the package is installed silently:

msiexec /i "Meridian Cloud Connector.msi" INSTALLDIR="C:\MeridianCloudConnector\" INSTALLDIR32="C:\Program Files (x86)\MeridianCloudConnector32\" ADDLOCAL="WebClient,AMHook,Revit,Office,AutoCAD" SCURL="https://MyWebServer/BCSiteCache" LANDINGPAGEURL="" TENANTNAME="" ISSUERURI="" M360DOMAIN="" LWSFOLDER="C:\cache" USEOPENID=1 /quiet