Show Master And Project Copies
You can create multiple project copies from a single master document. The Show Project Copies command allows you to see both master documents and all of the project copies made from them in a single view. This enables you to locate the project copies and the master document from which they were created.
PowerWeb Procedures
Use these steps for PowerWeb.
The Master and Project Copies page shows the current document and its references to the other documents in its family. The row of the selected document is highlighted to indicate its location in the family.
Status Icons
The icons on the Master and Project Copies page indicate the status of a document:
— Locked document from which project copies have been created. This might be the master document or a project copy.
— active project copy
— Waiting project copy. The document is in a waiting list and is read-only because it has not yet reached the top of the list. You cannot:
change the document type
change the workflow state
create a sub project copy
download the document
modify or annotate renditions
modify references
release the waiting project copy to master
replace content.
— Unchanged document.
— Document under change or quick change.
— An information project copy. The document is located in a project folder, but is not shown on the Master and Project Copies page. You can add the document to a package for information, but you cannot:
- change the content natively, on renditions, or annotate it
- change the properties
- start a workflow
- release to master
- transfer to another project
- transfer to next waiting project copy
View Master and Project Copies Page
To view the Master and Project Copies page:
Choose one of the following options:
From the ribbon:
Select either a master document or a project copy.
In the Project ribbon, in the Show Master and Project Copies group, click Show master and project copies.
From the context menu:
Right-click either a master document or a project copy.
Point to Managed Change (Project), and then click Show master and project copies.
From the view bar:
Select either a master document or a project copy.
In the view bar click the Master and project copies icon
On the Document page:
Select either a master document or a project copy.
On the Document page next to the document name, click the Show master and project copies icon
The Master and Project Copies page appears and shows the current document and its references to the other documents in its family. The row of the current document is highlighted so that you know where you are within the family.
The work-in-progress icon is red
for master documents, blue
for project copies, and crossed shovels
for inactive project copies.
Choose one or more of the following options:
To see the path of a document, hover your cursor over the document name.
To use the shortcut menu for the document, right-click the document name.
To hide obsolete project copies, click Hide inactive project copies.
Active project copies are those project copies that have not yet been reconciled with the master document. That is, either superseded by the master document or merged with the master document.
Inactive project copies are those project copies that have already been reconciled with their master document.
To go to a different document in the family, click the document name.
If the document cannot be shown in the current view, it is shown in the Folders view.
To compare two copies, select the copies that you want to compare and then in the Project ribbon, in the Master and Project Copies group, click Compare or Compare Renditions.