View Pages

When you open a view from the Home page or click the tab of an open view page, a view page appears that shows the items that match the view's configuration.

Each view page includes a navigation pane, a results pane, and a detail pane where indicated in the following figure. You use the navigation pane to explore and search the repository. As you explore, the contents of the current selection in the navigation pane are shown in the results pane. Selecting an item in the results list shows the item's details in the detail pane.


When Meridian Explorer is opened by another application, such as a maintenance management system when the Meridian Asset Management Module is installed, the features that are available and the documents that are shown in the results pane are determined by the application that opened the window.

The following table describes the major features of a view page and refers to other topics that describe the features in more detail.

Features of a view page
Name Description

Home tab

Click to return to the Home page at any time.


Commands related to the current ribbon menu item.

Ribbon menu bar

Shows tabs for the available ribbons. The tab for the current ribbon appears highlighted. Click another tab to show a different ribbon.

Search box

Type text to search for in the current navigation tool as described in Search In Document Properties.

Navigation pane

Shows the repository navigation tools: navigation view, property-based navigation, object hierarchy, or form search, that you can use to browse the current repository.

The default navigation tool when you first open a repository is set by a System Administrator. If you switch to a different navigation tool, Explorer remembers your choice and restores it the next time that you open the repository. To reset to the default navigation tool, see Configure Personal Preferences.

View name Name of the current view.

Results pane

Shows the results of the current search or navigation view or the contents of the current hierarchy folder. By default, the results are shown in a grid.

To run a command for a particular document or tag, right-click anywhere over its row. A shortcut menu of the available commands appears. For information about using the commands, see the related topics elsewhere in this guide.

Page controls

Use to browse, pages through, or refresh the contents of the results pane.

Your personal system preferences Click to configure your personal preferences as described in Configure Personal Preferences.

Help icon

Click to show Help content.

Page Close icon Click to close the current page.

Edit page length icon

Click to set the number of items shown in the results list.

Property page bar Shows tabs for the property pages that are available for the current item. The tab for the current property page appears highlighted. Click another tab to show a different property page.

About Meridian Explorer 2022 R2

Click to show the current version information.

Detail pane

Pages of properties for the item selected in the results pane as described in Property Pages.

Views bar Switches the context to show the documents, tags, projects or collections in the current repository.

Window bar

Shows tabs for the open views or items. The tab for the current view appears highlighted. Click another tab to show a different view. Click the scroll button at either end of the view bar to see additional tabs that may be out of sight.