Home Page

The Meridian Explorer Home page is the first page to appear when you open Meridian Explorer. It is also the place to start looking for items. This page lists groups of views that are available to all users. Each view can be of a different repository or of the same repository.

The following table describes the major features of the Home page and refers to other topics that describe the features in more detail.

Features of the Home page
Name Description

Home page menu

Select an item to see its contents at right.


Click to show the Views list.


Click to show the Favorites list.

Saved Searches

Click to show the Saved Searches list.

Dashboard Shows statistics and graphics about the contents and activity of your repositories.

Recently Used views list

Lists views that you have used recently.

Views list

Lists groups of available views from which you can select one.

Your personal system preferences Click to configure your personal preferences as described in Configure Personal Preferences and to configure file download options as described in Configure options.

Recent Items list

Lists items that you have viewed recently.

Settings links

If you are a System Administrator, you can use these links to start Meridian Enterprise Server Configurator or configure the Meridian Explorer colors and logo.

Other hyperlinks Hyperlinks configured by a System Administrator to other sites that you can use.
About Meridian Explorer Click to show the software version, build number, and copyright information.

Help button

Click to show Help content.