Project Workflow

The project workflow is a simple two-step workflow that defines the current state of the project. There are only two states available in a project workflow: Open and Closed.

  • When a project is created, its Status is automatically set to Open.

  • You cannot close a project that is empty, but you can delete it.

  • You can only close a project when all its documents are either released or archived.

  • You cannot reopen a closed project.

  • You cannot create a project copy in a closed project.

ClosedSearch for Projects by Workflow State

To search for projects by workflow state:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 of the Find Folders procedures.

  2. In step 4 of the Find Folders procedures:

    1. Select Status from the Property field.

    2. Select Equals from the Condition field.

    3. Enter Open or Closed in the Value field.

    4. Complete the rest of the procedures.

ClosedView Project Workflow Status

To view the current workflow state of a project:

  1. Select the project whose status that you want to view.

  2. Click the Folder tab, if it isn't already selected.

    The workflow status appears in next to the Status label.

ClosedClose a Project

  • You cannot reopen a closed project—do not close the project unless you are certain you no longer need it.

  • You cannot close a project that is empty, but you can delete it.

  • You cannot close a project that still has active documents—all documents must be either released or archived.

To close a project:

  • Choose between two options:

    • To close a project by right-clicking:

      1. Right-click the project folder, point to Workflow, and then click Close.

      2. Type a comment to be added to the project workflow log.

      3. Click OK.

    • To close a project from the Workflow ribbon:

      1. Select the project folder.

      2. In the Workflow ribbon, in the Workflow group, click Close.

      3. Type a comment to be added to the project workflow log.

      4. Click OK.