View Security Privileges
A user's privileges within a project are determined by the security roles that have been assigned to the user. You can assign roles at the tenancy level so that they apply to all projects or you can assign roles in specific projects that override the user's tenancy roles.
To perform the tasks described on this page, you must be assigned to the Tenant Administrator role.
To view the security privileges of a user:
Choose between two options:
View the user list of the tenancy as described in Manage User Accounts.
Each user's role in the tenancy appears in the Roles column.
View the membership list of the project as described in Manage Project Membership.
Each user's role in the project appears in the Roles column.
Click the Actions icon
of the member to whom you want to assign the role.
Click Privileges on the menu that appears.
The <MemberName> dialog box appears and lists the privileges that have been granted to the user in each category.