View the Clipboard
Viewing the clipboard shows you the documents that are currently placed there and a toolbar that allows you to perform various actions on the documents.
If a toolbar item is disabled for you, hover the mouse pointer over the icon to see a tooltip that shows the reason.
To view the clipboard:
In the navigation bar, click the Clipboard icon
The Clipboard page appears and lists the documents currently on the clipboard. The total quantity of documents on the clipboard is shown in the list header.
To view the compliance rule status of a document:
Click the colored dot to the right of the Item ID column.
The status of each compliance rule appears.
The color of the dot indicates the overall compliance status of the document.
Green — document has passed the compliance check
Yellow — there are some compliance items that need attention
Red — the document has failed the compliance check
To view additional properties of a document:
Select the row of the document that you want to view and then click Details.
A Properties page slides into view from the right side of the window and shows the properties of the selected document.
You can review the documents referenced by the selected document by clicking the References tab at the top of the page.
On the right side of the Properties page are the document details. At the bottom of this section is a Compliance tab. Document Controllers or Project Owners can view the compliance status of the document in relation to the Send and Release actions by selecting the For Send and For Release tabs.
You can also select the Checks tab to see the full list of compliance rules which apply to the document. If the document has met the requirement of a compliance rule, a check mark will appear to the left of the rule. If the document has not met the requirement, a dash will appear to the left of the rule.
Choose between two options:
Click this icon
in the upper-left corner of the page to close the page.
To sort the list:
Click the heading of the column on which you want to sort the list.
The list refreshes to show the documents sorted accordingly. The ascending
or descending
icon next to the column heading indicates the current sort order.
To reverse the sort order, click the heading again.