Audit Email Notifications

You can view information about all of the email notifications that are sent from your Meridian Portal tenancy. The time recorded for notifications is always recorded and displayed in UTC, not the time zone specified in your user preferences.

To perform the tasks described on this page, you must be assigned to the Tenant Administrator role.

ClosedView Email Notification Log

To view the email notification log:

  1. On the Meridian Portal Landing page, in the navigation bar, click the Audit Trail icon An arrow pointing counterclockwise, with clock hands in its center..

    The Audit Trail page appears and lists all the activity in your Meridian Portal system sorted by date and time as described in Audit Portal Activity.

  2. In the tab bar, click Email Notifications.

    The Email Notifications list shows all notification activity sorted by date and time. An oval A pale blue oval with the number 4 in its center. in the header indicates the quantity of notifications shown by the current filter.

ClosedFilter Log by Recipient

To filter the log by recipient:

  1. To the left of the event list, type the email address of the recipient in the Email (To) field.

  2. Click Filter.

    The list updates to show only notifications sent to that email address.

ClosedSee Failed Notifications

To see only the failed notifications:

  1. To the left of the event list, select the Failed check box.

  2. Click Filter.

    The list updates to show only notifications that were not received by the specified email address.

  3. To view the reason why the email could not be delivered, click Details in the row of the notification that you want to see.

    The information appears in a new dialog. The reason for the failure appears in the Reason field.

ClosedView Notification Details

To view the details for a specific notification:

  • In the right-most column, click Details in the row of the notification that you want to see.

    The information appears in a new dialog. If a notification could not be delivered, the reason for the failure appears in the Reason field.

ClosedClear Current Filters

To clear the current filters:

  • To the left of the event list, click Clear Filter to start over with different criteria.