What is Cloud Explorer?

Cloud Explorer is a web application for searching and retrieving engineering information. Target users include maintenance managers, planners, engineers, operations managers, and operators.

Cloud Explorer lets you easily find documents or assets and see their related counterparts right in your browser. By default, when you first open Explorer from the landing page, you can see all of the documents or assets in the repository, depending on which view is active, Documents or Assets. If Explorer was opened by another application such a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), you might be viewing only the items in the repository that are related to a document or asset in the other application. Only documents in the Masters or Documentation scopes of a repository are available to you in Explorer. Documents in a project or that are archived are not available to you. You can use filters to see only the items that meet criteria that you determine.


You must be assigned to at least the Asset Viewer role to view assets. You must be assigned to at least the Documentation Viewer or Master Reviewer roles to view documents.