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VBScript and PowerWeb

Not all VBScript functions are available to PowerWeb since it runs on the Meridian web server, not on the client computer.

ClosedVBScript Functions Not Available in PowerWeb

Following are the major functions that are not available, with corresponding recommended workarounds.

VBScript functions not available in PowerWeb
Function Workaround

Global variables

Use object arguments instead as described in Object Arguments.

DebugAssert Function

Not supported

WinInputBox Function


WinMsgBox Function


ProjectWorkflowEvent_InitializeExpandItem and ProjectWorkflowEvent_BeforeExpandItem events

Not supported

Confirmation property

The Client object methods

CurrentView property

Not yet available

Vault Events


AddDocumentToBatch method and AddDocuments method

Not yet available

Briefcase Object Import packages
DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand event Not yet available
DocGenericEvent_OnProperties event when creating new folders Not yet available

DocGenericEvent_AfterPrint event

Not yet available

AS_PROP_CMD constants AS_PS_CMD_VIEW and AS_PS_CMD_CANCEL in the DocGenericEvent_OnProperties event

Assign property validation conditions or use AS_PS_CMD_APPLY instead.

AS_NFO_SHOWWIZARD constant Not yet available.

ClosedNotes About Functionality

  • The values of check boxes and radio buttons on PowerWeb pages are sent to the web server only if they are selected (True). Meridian Enterprise Boolean properties that have not been explicitly set to either True or False contain no value. For these reasons, we recommend that you always test the values of Boolean properties for True and never for False whether the script is for PowerWeb or not.

  • A script that is not compatible with PowerWeb will not generate an error message. Thoroughly test all VBScript configuration expressions and event procedures that might be invoked by PowerWeb.

  • We highly discourage programmatic formatting of dates for use in title blocks, especially if PowerWeb will be used. Dates are transferred over the Internet in a locale-independent format to accommodate the possibility that the web server and PowerWeb locales are different. We recommend that you use the date attribute formatting settings described in Formatting attribute date values instead.