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Formatting Text With RTF Codes

You can format the text shown by the WinInputBox and WinMsgBox functions using a limited set of Rich Text Format (RTF) codes within the text. Many of the codes use the plus symbol (+) and minus symbol (-) to enclose the text that they affect. The codes are only evaluated for the Prompt argument of the functions and do not work in the Title argument text.

The following table describes the available codes.

Text formatting codes




Enable or disable formatting


Inserts a new line


Center justification


Right justification


Reset text justification (left justification)


Numbered list


Bold attribute


Italic attribute


Underline attribute


Thick underline attribute


Dot underline attribute


Dash underline attribute


Dot dash underline attribute


Dot dot dash underline attribute


Wavey underline attribute


Strikethrough attribute


Subscript attribute


Superscript attribute


All capitals attribute


Bullet list


Black color attribute


Blue color attribute


Cyan color attribute


Green color attribute


Magenta color attribute


Red color attribute


Yellow color attribute


White color attribute


Dark blue color attribute


Dark cyan color attribute


Dark green color attribute


Dark magenta color attribute


Dark red color attribute


Dark yellow color attribute


Dark gray color attribute


Gray color attribute


Automatic color attribute


Background color attribute where <ColorName> is one of the colors listed above.

The following example VBScript code incorporates several formatting codes to produce the result shown in the following figure.

WinMsgBox "$RTF+Read each item in the following bulleted list carefully:$NL" & _
          "$BULLET+This is $B+bold$B- text.$NL" & _
          "This is $I+italic$I- text.$NL" & _
          "This is $U+underlined$U- text.$NL" & _
          $BULLET-$NLWas this example helpful?$RTF-", _
          AS_QUESTION Or AS_YESNO, _
          "Formatted Text Example"

A window with formatted text.