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Link Folders To Meridian Portal

You can link Meridian Enterprise folders to Meridian Portal projects in these ways:

Meridian folders can be linked to a Meridian Portal project only when:

  • The Meridian folder is a folder type that has its Can be linked to Meridian Portal projects option enabled in the vault configuration.

    For information about your vault configuration, ask a System Administrator.

  • Documents in the folder are not already linked to a different Meridian Portal folder.

  • The Meridian Portal project that you want to link to is a Standard Project type project. Packages Only type projects cannot be linked to Meridian Enterprise.

ClosedPowerWeb Procedures

Use these steps for PowerWeb.

ClosedLink a Meridian Folder to a Meridian Portal Project

To link a Meridian folder to a Meridian Portal project:

  1. Select the folder you want to link.

  2. Choose between two options:

    • Right-click the folder then select FolderLink To Meridian Portal in the context menu that appears.

    • In the Folder ribbon, in the Action group, click Link To Meridian Portal.

    The Meridian Portal Projects dialog box appears and lists the available projects.

  3. If you want to link to an existing project, select the project you want then click OK.

  4. If you want to create a new Meridian Portal project:

    1. Click New Project.

      The New Meridian Portal Project dialog box appears with the Project Number and Project Name fields filled in with the Project Name from the vault.

    2. If required, edit the Project Number and Project Name fields for the new Meridian Portal project that you want to create.

  5. Click OK.

    The folder is linked to the project and the project name is shown on the property page of the folder with a hyperlink button that will open the project.

ClosedUnlink a Meridian Folder from a Meridian Portal Project

To unlink a Meridian folder from a Meridian Portal project:

  1. Choose between two options:

    • Right-click the folder that you want to link, point to Folder, and then click Unlink From Meridian Portal on the shortcut menu that appears.

    • In the Folder ribbon, in the Action group, click Unlink From Meridian Portal.

      A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.

  2. Click Yes.

    The folder is unlinked from the project.

ClosedPowerUser Procedures

To link a Meridian folder to a Meridian Portal project:

  1. Right-click the folder that you want to link, point to Master/Project Copy, and then click Link To Meridian Portal on the shortcut menu that appears.

    The Meridian Portal Projects dialog appears and lists the available projects.

  2. Select the project to which you want to link and click OK.

    A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.

  3. Click Yes.

    The folder is linked to the project and the project name is shown on the property page of the folder.