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Resolve Local Workspace Conflicts

A local workspace conflict occurs when there is a discrepancy between the local workspace copy of a document and the version in the vault. This most often happens when a new document is manually added to the local workspace. It can also happen if a local workspace copy is modified without using Meridian in any way, such as with the Open in Application command or with Application Integration. When conflicts occur, Meridian needs you to decide how to resolve them.

If the local workspace locked copy is newer than the unlocked vault copy, the value of the Local copy property on the Document property page is displayed in red. When synchronization takes place, the conflict is displayed as a balloon in the system tray, and the Accruent Application Integration icon A small version of the Meridian product logo. in the system tray flashes.

Use these steps for PowerUser and PowerWeb.

To resolve the conflict:

  1. Right-click the Accruent Application Integration icon in the system tray.

  2. Point to Local Workspace and click View Log.

    The Accruent Local Workspace dialog box appears, similar to the following figure.

    A screen shot of the Local Workspace dialog. A conflict is listed in the lower half of the dialog.

  3. Right-click the conflicting document in the lower pane and select an option from the shortcut menu.

    The following table describes each option.

Local workspace conflict resolution options
Command Description


Displays the differences between the local workspace and vault copies so that you can choose which revision of the document to keep.

Delete from Workspace

Removes the local workspace copy.


Imports the local workspace document into the vault.

Open Parent Folder

Opens the local workspace subfolder that contains the conflicting document.


Clears the error message from the log. If the conflict persists, the error message will reappear.

Remove All

Clears all error messages from the log. If the conflicts persist, the error messages will reappear.

Update Local Workspace from vault

Overwrites the local workspace copy from the vault. All changes made to the local workspace copy of the document are lost and the read-only attribute is reapplied.

Update vault from Local Workspace

Uploads the local workspace document to the vault. You can update the vault copy only if you are the current To-Do person.


Displays the local workspace copy of the document in a new viewer window.