Office Link

The Meridian application link for Microsoft Office supports automatic property value exchange between the Meridian vault and Office document properties (PowerUser client only). When the link is installed, a Accruent toolbar is added to Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint versions 2003 and later for manually synchronizing and editing Meridian properties. In the Office 2013 and later applications, the commands appear on the menus and ribbons.

The link also provides automatic hyperlink and reference file management regardless of where the files may reside in a vault, including local workspace. This means that Meridian can maintain the referential integrity of file links as you import files into a vault, move them, create revisions, and even exchange files with other parties using packages. When you open a document in an Office application that has a link to another file, the Office link finds the current locations of the file in the vault and updates the location of the files in the parent document. The link will even detect if the linked files have been renamed in the vault and will resolve them correctly in Office.

The Office link automatically creates and maintains Meridian references between documents and their linked files. These links can be used to view documents that might be effected by changes to a parent document and for other uses.

Together with the basic integration provided by Application Integration, any file created or used by Office can be managed in a Meridian vault. Conversely, Office commands that request a file can access Meridian vaults for document selection.

Meridian also works with Office documents even without Application Integration installed:

Features for storing Outlook email messages and attachments in a vault are also provided by the link.

Notes About Functionality

  • Opening documents in the Office applications and synchronizing with Meridian Cloud requires the Meridian Cloud Connector.

  • The functionality provided in Office by Application Integration is subject to the general limitations of Application Integration described in Application Integration.

  • The link to MS Visio must be enabled by setting registry values that are described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Visio\AddIns\AMOfficeAddIn.AMOfficeAddIn.

  • The Accruent toolbar can be found on the Add-Ins tab of the ribbon in Office versions 2007 and later (except Visio).

  • The vault Browse command on the Open and Save As pages in the Office 2013 and later applications requires that a default vault be set for the Set Default Context option

  • In PowerWeb with Application Integration set to Remote mode:

    • If a vault document is modified and saved in an Office application, the file will not be uploaded to the Meridian server as might be expected. The document will not be uploaded until the document is closed. This is due to a technical limitation in Office. Until the limitation is resolved, users should always save the document in Word before closing the document

    • When a document is imported and the Select Document Type dialog box or wizard page is invoked, if the PowerWeb Personal Preference option Create thumbnails on import of document option is selected, the new file is created when you save to the workspace, but it is empty.