Autodesk Inventor Rendering Module

The Autodesk Inventor rendering module renders Autodesk Inventor drawing (.idw and .dwg), part (.ipt), assembly (.iam), and presentation (.ipn) files to DWF, PDF, or TIFF format. The Autodesk Inventor software is not included with Meridian Enterprise Server and must be purchased and installed separately.

  • Except when used with the BC Meridian system link, no reference resolution is performed and all assembly files must reside in the same source folder.

  • Rendering will only succeed if Windows User Account Control (UAC) is disabled and the user account under which the Publisher runs is a member of the Administrators group.

This rendering module uses the Autodesk Inventor translators for rendering. It is also able to output to software printer drivers. The Autodesk Inventor rendering module's configuration options are described in Configure the Autodesk Inventor Rendering Module Options.